Hi, I'm Joshua Alissy.
I'm looking to find some amateur actors/actresses in the south west uk, you don't have to be the next Brando or Leigh, but just be interested somewhat, and convincing at playing characters.
I'm also looking for some crew to make a very very dirty cheap low budget - no-budget film.
I've written a few scripts and i want to direct one of my scripts, and i'm looking for some people to help me make my ultimate experience come true. This isn't going to make you famous, but it could be fun for all of us. This is a no pay job.
I want to talk to loyal, reliable, friendly and most of all dedicated to film. We can talk through email/FB or text if you want to get to know me a little better.
I'm from Bridgwater, but i want people who can make their own way to the hand picked location chosen.
I'm hoping to make a short. who know's maybe we can form a friendship too? and make a collection of episodes for the internet or something?
I hope to hear from you soon, fellow Cinenerds!
- Joshua Lee Alissy
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Wanted - Services/Crew/Films etc
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Posted : 06/05/2011 7:20 pm