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Zombie movie....

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hi reading details about 28days later on wikipedia and one other site.they both mentioned one thing which is

"The film was shot on Digital Video cameras, which are much smaller and more maneuverable than traditional film cameras, on which such brief shoots would have been impractical. The use of digital video also adds a 'documentary' feel to the film, and adds to the realism"

now please guide me in details technically about what is meant by these lines

"The film was shot on Digital Video cameras, which are much smaller and more maneuverable than traditional film cameras, on which such brief shoots would have been impractical"
tell me what does it mean as i dont have practical experience of handling dv cam i want the professionals to tell me the difference by keeping the above lines in mind


"The use of digital video also adds a 'documentary' feel to the film, and adds to the realism"

do you think using a camera like this which gives reality is more better or should one use HD camera? the story i am planning will be heavily influence by darkness and is having dark scene like of nights and horrible old buildings with no light (obviously there will be light places but i am planning that over all it will give a feel of darkness and no light at most of the places). so which sort of camera will suite for theis type of story which i am planning

secondly i was looking resident evil 3 and the makeup of zombies and as have mentioned that i can place the light behind so that it will help me if the makeup is not will make the viewer fill in the blank.well thats ok but still i will have to do make up on the main problem arises regarding makeup.because i will have to hire someone from outside the country to do the makeup as its a job of specialist .i even being an independent filmmaker dont think will be able to solve this probldo. any one of you have any idea about any independent filmmaker who have successfully done the make of zombies in an indie movie?????

or what tips you have to make a good zombie (zombie makeup) in cheap

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 16/02/2008 3:21 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

28Days later they were unable to actually empty out the city so they slowed traffic down in specific places and shot very quickly and then moved to the next location creating the illusion. The filmmakers felt this wouldn't have been possible using a normal film camera.

In order to make the movie consistent they used the same cameras for all but the very end of the movie. I think most of the rationals of why are simply rationalizations.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 16/02/2008 4:19 pm