
zombie filmmakers h...
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zombie filmmakers how can i make a low budjet movi

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YOU are right RJSchwarz
i will have to buy them..

so where are more and more filmmakers?????fans of zombie films

tell me more....regarding lighting,costumes....etc more and more tips.....

i have read the links mentioned above and they have been usefull but not of them like pages related to makeup asi will have to import tht looks like i will have to create my own makeup :d

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 03/01/2008 6:21 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Lighting and costumes are the same as for non zombie movies. You might want to go with more dark to hide poor zombie makeup but there is nothing special about lighting. There are lots of articles on this site about lighting kits and I'm sure there must be more on how to light a scene.

With costumes you generally need to think out your visual tone and your story. If the zombies all came from a biomedical research lab they might be wearing labcoats and security guard clothes. If they came from a school they might be wearing the clothes of schoolkids. By tone, I mean color tone. In Shaun of the Dead they made a specific choice to have the zombies in muted browns, greys, and reds and the humans in brighter colors to help them stand out.

As far as makeup, try googling "zombie makeup". I got a lot of hits and it took seconds:

The key to the makeup is to decide what you can afford. Not just in terms of cost but time. If you have fancy makeup that takes an hour to put on and a hundered extras you probably can't manage without a small army of makeup people. So you may want to put zombie masks on the more distant zombies and concentrate on fancy makeup on those that get closeups.

Personally I would write my screenplay to have the dead be fresh as a freshly killed person will likely be pale, perhaps bloody, but not wrinkled and obviously dead. The makeup is easier that way.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 03/01/2008 2:31 pm
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hi reading details about 28days later on wikipedia and one other site.they both mentioned one thing which is

"The film was shot on Digital Video cameras, which are much smaller and more maneuverable than traditional film cameras, on which such brief shoots would have been impractical. The use of digital video also adds a 'documentary' feel to the film, and adds to the realism"

now please guide me in details technically about what is meant by these lines

"The film was shot on Digital Video cameras, which are much smaller and more maneuverable than traditional film cameras, on which such brief shoots would have been impractical"
tell me what does it mean as i dont have practical experience of handling dv cam i want the professionals to tell me the difference by keeping the above lines in mind


"The use of digital video also adds a 'documentary' feel to the film, and adds to the realism"

do you think using a camera like this which gives reality is more better or should one use HD camera? the story i am planning will be heavily influence by darkness and is having dark scene like of nights and horrible old buildings with no light (obviously there will be light places but i am planning that over all it will give a feel of darkness and no light at most of the places). so which sort of camera will suite for theis type of story which i am planning

secondly i was looking resident evil 3 and the makeup of zombies and as have mentioned that i can place the light behind so that it will help me if the makeup is not will make the viewer fill in the blank.well thats ok but still i will have to do make up on the main problem arises regarding makeup.because i will have to hire someone from outside the country to do the makeup as its a job of specialist .i even being an independent filmmaker dont think will be able to solve this probldo. any one of you have any idea about any independent filmmaker who have successfully done the make of zombies in an indie movie?????

or what tips you have to make a good zombie (zombie makeup) in cheap

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 04/01/2008 3:42 am
Posts: 147
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Hi i have few questions related to distribution of movies which i am posting here because this is the most active forum.kindly all the filmmaker (specially the experienced one) discuss this matter in detail.

i know the normal distribution process but first of all i want to know after i have completed a movie as a filmmaker will i contact the distributors with submitting the Trailor and script to them only or do i need to submit something else too? IS A synopisis enough with trailor or should i submitt the complete script
(specially when i am living in a other country and not coming to that country where i want to release
the movie)

i have one more question that how many cinemas in US are having digital facilities to show movie (approximately ?).suppose if i shoot in HD or DV and do not transfer it on Film (as it will increase my costs at post production) and just keep it digital
then atleast how much market do i have to launch my film.because i think not all the cinemas will have the facilities to show the movie on digital format.more over do these cinemas ask for dv at the final result or dvd? or something else? to show the movie to cinema-comers

now i come to the main topic which i wanted to discuss of the movie

i personally think there are 3 ways of showing your movies to cinema-goers from one which is very comman that is the first one

1) make a deal with the distributor to release it worldwide

The second 2 are

2)Should i contact distributor of each country to make a deal to release it in its own country only. suppose a US distributor to release it in US ,then the UK distributor to release it in uk , then the canadian distributor to release it in canada(dont you think this will be more profitable?) what will be the risks and benefits in this case

3) The third and the most hectic procedure according to me.Suppose i just target US right now while living in Pakistan.Isnt it better that i contact all the major cinemas of US via internet sending them the synopsis and uploading the trailor at my own site and sell the the movie directly to the cinema holders so that they can show the movie in their studios?If i keep the charges (the amount which i will have as a filmmaker) low will they like to do advertising and promotion atleast in their local areas because they will have no big amount to spend to advertise in the whole city so will this strategy work for me as a filmmaker and i will get more in revenue (as a whole?instead of going with distributor and giving him a major share.)

what do you think about this strategy????

PLease comment on these questions which i have and also mention about the approximate amount of cinemas showing movies at digital format plus tell me what is their desire about the final movie that should it be at DV or DVD?????????

Best regards

and by the way where are others...looks like only we 2 are left alive and others are are changed into zombies..............:d

well please all of you present over here discuss this topic.....

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 04/01/2008 4:50 am
Posts: 147
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please reply me regarding this post

hi reading details about 28days later on wikipedia and one other site.they both mentioned one thing which is

"The film was shot on Digital Video cameras, which are much smaller and more maneuverable than traditional film cameras, on which such brief shoots would have been impractical. The use of digital video also adds a 'documentary' feel to the film, and adds to the realism"

now please guide me in details technically about what is meant by these lines

"The film was shot on Digital Video cameras, which are much smaller and more maneuverable than traditional film cameras, on which such brief shoots would have been impractical"
tell me what does it mean as i dont have practical experience of handling dv cam i want the professionals to tell me the difference by keeping the above lines in mind


"The use of digital video also adds a 'documentary' feel to the film, and adds to the realism"

do you think using a camera like this which gives reality is more better or should one use HD camera? the story i am planning will be heavily influence by darkness and is having dark scene like of nights and horrible old buildings with no light (obviously there will be light places but i am planning that over all it will give a feel of darkness and no light at most of the places). so which sort of camera will suite for theis type of story which i am planning

secondly i was looking resident evil 3 and the makeup of zombies and as have mentioned that i can place the light behind so that it will help me if the makeup is not will make the viewer fill in the blank.well thats ok but still i will have to do make up on the main problem arises regarding makeup.because i will have to hire someone from outside the country to do the makeup as its a job of specialist .i even being an independent filmmaker dont think will be able to solve this probldo. any one of you have any idea about any independent filmmaker who have successfully done the make of zombies in an indie movie?????

or what tips you have to make a good zombie (zombie makeup) in cheap

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 06/01/2008 5:36 am
Posts: 147
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hello why everybody is absent no replies????

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 15/01/2008 3:12 am
Posts: 147
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hello where are the experts???????????no more replies?????

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 15/01/2008 3:16 am
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