
War film production
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War film production

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hello all

two topics:

the two following techniques are used in band of brothers

1. pressurized canisters. does anyone know how much it costs to rent pressurized canisters for sudden release pressure to kick up dirt (foam lumps painted brown).
and small pressured canisters that fit under the shirt for bullet hits, to then fire the fake blood out. i assume you rent them and return them once empty or whatever.

2. how much does it cost to buy rubber replica guns (non painted). i assume you have to buy them in bulk but what sort of bulk ?

Posted : 14/09/2008 12:59 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

1) usually around $30 to $75 per day.

2) handguns will rin from $40/75 and rifles from $100/250

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 14/09/2008 2:41 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

To answer your question specifically, no I don't have any prices but the internet is full of info. But I wouldn't respond just to say that. I'm assuming you're talking low-budget or you'd hire someone to deal with this stuff.

1. pressurized canisters. does anyone know how much it costs to rent pressurized canisters for sudden release pressure to kick up dirt (foam lumps painted brown).

Why pressurized? It would not be difficult to rig rat traps to snap at the pull of a fishing line and toss dirt in the air to simulate bullet hits. Want bigger? Set up little see-saws in holes that can fling dirt up manually. These are easier to reset and certainly cheaper.

and small pressured canisters that fit under the shirt for bullet hits, to then fire the fake blood out. i assume you rent them and return them once empty or whatever.

This is called a squib. There are three ways of doing it. (1) Attach a condom filled with fake-blood to a small board, plate, or leather backing (this protects the actor) and rig a small explosive between the backing and condom so when it explodes the blood fires away from the plate. This is not recommended unless you really know what your doing or are crazy because someone could easily get hurt. (2) Use an insect sprayer running up through the actors clothes. You pressurize the sprayer by manually pumping it and fire the sprayer fires blood through pre-cut holes in the actors clothes. This is great because it can be easy to reset for the next shot but if you want multiple hits it can be complicated. (3) Blood-filled condom attached to fishing line. Fishing line is hard to see on camera. Yank the line and you pull the condom apart and the blood comes free. Practice to get it right. You could use this to have a dozen hits at once.


Posted : 14/09/2008 2:59 pm
Posts: 84
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the pesticide sprayer is a great technique which iv used lots but in a "gritty" war film making inviroment where everyone is soaked in fake blood (so duct tape does not stick) and people are constantly moving, lots going on at once. i find the pesticide sprayer only works in very calm, controlled, clean informants.

but iv come up with a solution,, 6 deodorant cans strapped around actors chest. all these cans connected to clear, rubber/plastic flexible tubing. all 6 tubes lead to 1 which then leads to the exit wound. two air tight, electronicly operated gateways in the single tube section. as small switch (battery powered in the actors hand to open the gateways, the pressure from the deodorant cans (the nibs on the cans already smashed in) pushes the blood out at a very high speed.

this sounds really hard to picture for the reader but if you watch band of brothers behind the scenes on you-tube youll understand. also finding all the parts for this is gonna be incredibly hard.

Posted : 16/09/2008 7:25 pm
Posts: 56
Trusted Member

And if you have a great compositor, you can get away with this:

with stock vfx footage from:

One of my personal favorites for gun rentals and purchases:

David Schatanoff
D Studios Productions

David Schatanoff
D Studios Productions

Posted : 17/09/2008 2:25 am
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

For bullets hitting the ground, you could do any number of things to get to fly up in the air for far cheaper than renting the pressurized canisters. Anything from firecrackers, to the see-saw idea mentioned above. But for bullet hits, you could use squibs (which I believe require a licensed special effects guy to buy), or one thing I've done is to get a cheap paintball gun, put Co2 in it, and then pour a bit of thick fake blood down the barrel. You shoot it from off camera, and the blood will hit the actors. I didn't hurt at all when I did it, however just to be safe, should you ever try this idea, try it on yourself before shooting the actors with it.

(If you do try this, make sure there are no paintballs in the gun).

Posted : 18/09/2008 3:59 pm
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

One other thing you could do for both ground and human bullet hits is to do it digitally by compositing. If you go to they have some royalty free explosions, bullet hits, blood splatters, etc... for free. What I've done with some of these is composite them over the video, and they usually come out really good.

Posted : 18/09/2008 8:40 pm
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for a bullet hit on the gound i just wired up bangers to a battery (took a hell of a lot of research and practice)so i could set off as many as i want when i want but i want small scale artilery like morat explosions and i would need an exessive amount of explosives buirried under some dirst which would probably deafen and disorientate an actor. iv realised that pressurised air is the way forawrd. in band of brothers for mortar hits, they burried a big air tank 0.5 - 1 meter long underground, attached a big plastic funnel on top put lots of lumps of brown colored polistyrien blocks in the funnel and fired air out. its harmless. i think im gonna try burrying a metal funnel (to channel energy upwards) with a banger strapped to a deodrant can with the banger electricly wired to a car battery. its dirt cheap.

i only like using after effects for muzzle flashes and other bits and bobs but AE for bullet hits and explosions close up usualy doesnt look good. i have a gritty stlye of film making (shakey hand held cam blood dirt grit on camera lens). this makes AE much harder and on set explosions are great fun and dont have to be expensive if you do enough research and experimentation.

BTW, anyone looking to detonate bangers via car battery: dismantle old hairdryer for filament. wrap this filament around fuse and connect each end of fillament to + and - of a car battery via normal power cables.

Posted : 20/09/2008 3:28 pm
Posts: 84
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ok,,,the banger strapped to deodrant can did not work,,,,,but there has got to be a way of combining power of banger explosion with explosion of doerant can for the extra power needed to kick (brown painted) polistyrien blocks in air to look like mortar round exploding. maybe somthing involving the nib at the top of the can, maybe blast it off somehow. im gonna need ideas from you guys here!

Posted : 21/09/2008 8:23 am
Posts: 364
Honorable Member

If you're interested, I did a short war trailer back in high school for under $300. There are some explosions that you might be interested in too- check out the trailer here-

We also do gunshot effects etc. on a zombie web-series i produce, you can check that out here-

Let me know any questions you might have about that stuff.

Posted : 25/09/2008 5:00 pm