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Two Questions

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Posts: 67
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Whats the easiest way to do day for night? Can someone direct me to a gel online somewhere?

Also, anyplace cheap I could get a greenscreen or anyway to make a real cheap one?

Posted : 29/07/2007 8:48 am
Posts: 67
Estimable Member
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I remember seeing a video of someone using a filter or a gel of some sort that created great day for night just some simple overlay on the lens...

Anyone know what I mean?

Posted : 30/07/2007 6:59 am
Posts: 34
Trusted Member

Try that, But if you have after effects:

"Pain is tempoary, film is forever."

Posted : 01/08/2007 11:24 pm
Posts: 67
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Hmmm I might hit the camera shop up tommorow and ask around, but im still not sure how to find it.

This person I know had a simple gel that they covered the lense of the camera with, and it looked particulary good.

Maybe it was just a blue gel to give it a "night" look?

Maybe I'll get some tommorow and check it out.

Has anyone ever heard of Gels damaging cameras? Probably not but if I taped a gel over the lense of my camera and some light reflected in or something, would it mess with the colors or chips? Stupid question but if the sun can do it, I figure other lights could, and maybe color especially.

Posted : 07/08/2007 7:08 am