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transferrinf from dc to 35 mm??????????

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i want to know few thngs like

in us and india a film is shot on 35mm? i think in hollywood
they use dv is it transfererd to 35mm after shooting on digital?

the machine on which film runs in is only for 35mm? or if the film is in dv then it runs on projectors?

another question can we directly shot a film on dv? and run it on cenima will the result be different from 35mm??????????and if yes then what machine is required to run the dv in ceniama? aprojetor or anythng else?
another questions is that while shooting what resolution we should set on dv cams so that if it is either transfererd to 35 mm or directly run on cenima by dv it should be smooth without getting pixled

can u guide me to some cmaera models which cn be used for production on television but should be very good in results. not normal dv cams which have broadcast quality but still not of high quality

and please do tell me that what do u do while replieng me and have u experienced these things or not?

best regards

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 01/12/2006 3:35 am
Posts: 147
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sorry its not dc its dv "transfer from dv to 35 mm"

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 01/12/2006 3:38 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member


in us and india a film is shot on 35mm? i think in hollywood
they use dv is it transfererd to 35mm after shooting on digital?

In Hollywood movies are shot on 35mm. Of Course there are some exceptions.


the machine on which film runs in is only for 35mm? or if the film is in dv then it runs on projectors?

That machine is called a projector. Most project 35mm film. Many theaters today are capable of digital projection.


another question can we directly shot a film on dv? and run it on cenima will the result be different from 35mm??????????and if yes then what machine is required to run the dv in ceniama? aprojetor or anythng else?

Yes. A movie can be made using DV. A movie made on digital video can be projected in a cinema from DV using a digital projector.


another questions is that while shooting what resolution we should set on dv cams so that if it is either transfererd to 35 mm or directly run on cenima by dv it should be smooth without getting pixled

There isn't a set of settings that will give you a great transfer. The higher quality the lens and lighting the better it will look. Shooting at 24p (progressive) is very helpful as is shooting with true High Definition (HD).


can u guide me to some cmaera models which cn be used for production on television but should be very good in results. not normal dv cams which have broadcast quality but still not of high quality

Check out these threads. If you can't find what you want there ask again and maybe someone can direct you to what you need.


and please do tell me that what do u do while replieng me and have u experienced these things or not?

I am a professional writer/director of direct to video movies and occasionally a producer. I also work professionally as a digital video camera operator on live events like concerts and awards shows and reality TV shows.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 02/12/2006 7:37 am
Posts: 147
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thanks for replying me

im realy grateful to you
may i know in which country you live?i am from pakistan.i want to be a filmmaker but conditions and resources are very poor over quality and other stuff.

i am realy worried that if i go into filmmaking how will i be good enough to atttract people to see my film

please tell me more about yourself

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 03/12/2006 3:58 am
Posts: 147
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thanks for guiding
can u tell me any method by which i can shoot at in cheap and get good rsult as much as of 35 mm?????????in pakistan the conditions are very poor and it is difficult to make a movie with quality technical equipments so can u guide me to some tips and tricks??????????

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 06/12/2006 2:04 pm
Posts: 2951
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Originally posted by ad2478

thanks for guiding
can u tell me any method by which i can shoot at in cheap and get good rsult as much as of 35 mm?????????in pakistan the conditions are very poor and it is difficult to make a movie with quality technical equipments so can u guide me to some tips and tricks??????????

I don't know oaf any cheap way to make DV look like 35mm. The look we all love is achieved not only by the film itself, but by the use of very good, very expensive lenses, very good lighting and skilled professionals.

You will need to learn to use the limited lighting recourses you have to your advantage. This isn't something that anyone learns quickly - it takes time.

I have no idea what types of light equipment you have available to you. Using work lights, clamp on "scoop" lights and bounce boards goes a long way to getting a better look. Adding flags to cut or block where the light falls and scrims to reduce the amount of light in specific areas is also important.

Do you have access to anything like that?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 06/12/2006 8:11 pm
Posts: 147
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thanks for guiding .well i dont have any idea bout all this.i am right now just planning to do something but the most important thing for me is to gain more and more information can u guide me about ur last post in detail which is about light.secondly for dv cams what sort of lighting equipments is good.

another thing u said that we cant get the quality of 35mm by dv. so any other process which an maximise the the quality of film shooted on dv.?in pakistan there are no digital progectors in cenima. so i will defenately have to transfer the dv shoot into 35mm.?by the way normally do u have any idea that how much it charges to transfer 3 hours film into 35mm by dv? and upto how much level the quality falls?? can u guide me to some good lighting techniques and technical details by which i can maximise the level of quality in my dv shooted films and then trasferring it to 35mm

at the end i want to say thanks a lot sir to u for replying me and eliminating my confusions

best regards?i also asked u that to tell me a little more abt u in detail?

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 10/12/2006 3:29 am
Posts: 147
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can you tell me about

24p (progressive) is very helpful as is shooting with true High Definition (HD).??? 24 p is 24 frames per second???and what is high defination? resolution of dv cams?am i right?

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 10/12/2006 3:32 am
Posts: 4
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Actually, DV and HD are different. HD (obviously) has a higher definition than digital. Twenty-four frames per second is the standard frame rate for all video, though it can get much higher with better cameras.

As for the original question, it is going to be extremely hard to transfer DV to 35mm. First of all, without remastering the finished product before duplication youll end up with nothing more than a much more expensive version of DV. Second of all, you should be sure that you filmed in widescreen or youll most likely end up with a stretched image in one way or another. Third of all, why would you want to transfer DV to 35mm to begin with? Super16 will give you a pretty decent conversion and will cost much less than 35mm to develop.

Also (although this was mostly covered earlier), nearly all Hollywood-strength films are shot in 35mm. Some shoot in Super35 (though the widescreen aspect is extremely wide), and a few have shot in HD or DV (like some sequences in Dawn of the Dead 2004, and like the entire film of 28 Days Later). Most commercial projectors play 35mm or Super16, and most DV or HD is converted to a form of 16mm or 35mm film because you need a digital projector to play a full digital film.

My name is Andrew Hallmark. I am an amatuer playright, screenplay writer, and filmmaker. I am 16 and am attending college and major in Cinematography.

Posted : 10/12/2006 5:09 am
Posts: 2951
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I'd like to clear up some misconceptions in Skooter's reply. The standard frame rate for video is 30 (actually 29.97) in the US - not 24. 24 is the standard for film. And the frames per second (FPS) doesn't get higher in better cameras.

"24p" means video shot at 24 FPS (actually 23.976) in progressive mode. The US video standard is 60i. That's 2 interlaced fields for every frame - or 30 FPS.

It isn't extremely hard to transfer DV to 35mm. It's actually quite easy and done often - and it can look very good. As Scooter pointed out 28 Days Later was shot on DV (Canon XL1s - PAL) And David Lynch's new film, "Inland Empire" was shot on DV - Sony PD-150. There are many others:
Open Water, Sony PD-150
The Anniversary Party, Sony DSR-500
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, Canon XL-1
Pieces of April, Sony PD-150
Bamboozled, Sony VX 1000 PAL
Book Of Life, Sony VX1000 (NTSC)
The Celebration, Sony PC7 PAL
Chuck & Buck, Sony VX1000 PAL
The Cruise, Sony VX1000 NTSC
Dancer In The Dark, Sony PD 100 & Sony DXC D30WS PAL
Everything Put Together, Sony VX1000 PAL
Final, Canon XL-1 PAL
Chelsea Walls, Sony PD100 PAL
Full Frontal, Canon XL1s PAL
Hotel, Sony PD 100 & PD150 PAL
Julian Donkey Boy, Canon XL1 PAL
Time Code, Sony DSR-1
Supersize Me, Sony PD150
Lonesome Jim, Panasonic DVX 100

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 10/12/2006 9:18 am
Posts: 1214
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It's worth noting that the main reason why '28 Days Later' doesn't look too bad on film is that they used a 35mm lens adaptor which allowed them to get low depth-of-field shots, and they took the time to light the shots properly. Some of the exterior shots do have the 'DV look' as they were presumably relying on natural light and a couple of reflectors.

Posted : 10/12/2006 1:29 pm
Posts: 147
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well i would like to mention one thing that in pakistan equipmets are rubbish.secondly if we see our film industery no one is ready to invest a big amount on films.

if we?pakistanis? want to make a good film then we will have to invest around 10 to 12 carors ?to see good results on screen in cenima?

now other option for us is to shoot ona good dv cam then transfer it to 35mm.

can you tell that normally what are the charges of transferring dv shoot to 35mm ?duration is of 3 hours?? secondly u mentiones it will not loose the quality when transferring

from dv to 35 mm.but the dv cam should be of good quality.?you have recomended me some models too.?

can u tell me the details regarding camera like if i get a good dv cam what lens i should use or it already has the lens? secondly guide me more about lense and there

features ?just to get extra information? secondly as scooter mentioned that i will have streched pics is it realy so?

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 12/12/2006 7:42 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member


Originally posted by ad2478
well i would like to mention one thing that in pakistan equipmets are rubbish.secondly if we see our film industery no one is ready to invest a big amount on films.

Then that means you must work harder than other filmmakers.


can you tell that normally what are the charges of transferring dv shoot to 35mm ?duration is of 3 hours?? secondly u mentiones it will not loose the quality when transferring

Standard prices for a blow up are $300 (18,259 Rupee) per minute. Or about 3,286,620 Rupee for 3 hours.


from dv to 35 mm.but the dv cam should be of good quality.?you have recomended me some models too.?

Yes. The camera should be of good quality. But good picture and sound come from more than the camera. Lighting is very important and good mic placement is essential.

Check my pervious post. I list several cameras that were used to make a movie that was transferred to 35mm.


can u tell me the details regarding camera like if i get a good dv cam what lens i should use or it already has the lens? secondly guide me more about lense and there features ?just to get extra information? secondly as scooter mentioned that i will have streched pics is it realy so?

There are three things that are VERY important when getting a camera:

Three CCD?s (also called ?chips?) - the bigger the better.
Manual controls for the iris, shutter, focus and white balance.
A microphone input.

If you can afford it an interchangeable lens can be very important. Few DV cameras have this feature - Sony, Canon and JVC are about the only ones.

I use the JVC HD110U and rent lenses. I like the Fujinon.

Skooter's information isn't very accurate. You won't end up with a streched image. You will work with the lab when you do the transfer to 35mm to get exactly the image you want.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 12/12/2006 5:58 pm
Posts: 4
New Member

Edit: Sorry bout the stretch comment. I said that cause it happened to me when I filmed a "Revolver" (a Western/Slasher film project of mine) test sequence. I wanted an authentic but degraded look, so i filmed a test sequence in 8mm (though the movie is going to be shot in 35mm Vision500). I checked this information recently and stretching isnt normally supposed to occur. It was some mistake in digital resizing (labs fault). They didnt follow directions and tried to strecth an 8mm image to a S16 WS format instead of leaving the frame alone. Srry bout that.

Posted : 14/12/2006 5:13 am
Posts: 147
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thanks for guiding me till now few more questions as u said

Three CCD?s (also called ?chips?) - the bigger the better
well i know 3 ccd.but what do u mean by bigger the better? do they have sizes? if u mean they are of different size then refer me the right size?

secondly u told about microphone. so i have 2 question.

what if i use a boom mike?

second question the models of dv cam u they have an input pin for boom mike??if u suggest boom mike is fine?

because i have heard while using microphone it can create sound problems

can u tell me about interchangeable lens? though i know what it does mean but still in detail i want to we can change it ourself? and what difference it creates?

secondly i have come to know that a good camera plus good lighting increases the quality of it true?

can u personally tell me some details of lighting that if i use adv cam then what should be setting of lithing?camera mode? etc etc?

can u guide me about the shutter and iris manual? i mean dv cams are how can we use them manually?

last thing, the models of dv cams u mentioned, in those there is a feature of setting resolution? or the resolution is set after transferring on pc for edit?
the models u mentioned above of dv cams. can the data from those dv cams can by transfered directly to pc? do i need a grabbing machine for it?

thanks for guiding me till today

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 14/12/2006 8:22 am
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