I'm looking to make it appear like steam is coming from my hands while wearing a sleeveless shirt without using graphics. I've come up with a ton of ideas from a fog producing gun hidden in my hands to CO2 cartridges hidden in wristbands.
Right now CO2 is the path I'm headed down but I don't know how to make it work. Does anyone have any ideas?
You could do it two ways.
The first one is that you put a paper on fire, stomp it out to make it smoke. Then put it on table, or something, and put the camera in an angle so your hand hides the fire source.
Here is a picture to get it more:
The second one is to put a smoke cookie in your hand, http://www.detonationfilms.com/Return%20Of%20Agent%2012/Smoke-Cookies.htm . This gives of very thick smoke.
Hope that helps.