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Sony HVR-Z1P

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Hi All,

I have recently purchased the Sony HVR-Z1P plus a lot of other goodies. I wanted to get an experienced person's view on whether this is a suitable camera for an upcoming 25 minute short. Will the quality show up very well on the big screen?

I'd just like to hear some people's views on the camera itself. I will be using Sony Vegas 6 with a Blackmagic Decklink HD Capture Card. Supposedly they work very well with this camera, being both Sony.

Thanks alot,

Posted : 04/09/2005 8:48 am
Posts: 216
Estimable Member

the camera should be fine...

i've never used 'vegas' but i've heard good things.

Posted : 06/09/2005 6:25 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

The only downside of the camera on a big screen will be that it shoots interlaced video. I don't know whether projectors will handle that or whether you'd need to deinterlace it manually.

Posted : 06/09/2005 7:38 pm
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I have been using Vegas since version 4 (about 2 and a bit years) and that is great editing software to use. I recommend it to anyone, especially since the new version, Vegas 6, has so many more features (like HD Support, External Monitor Previewing).

MarkG. So the camera shoots Interlaced Video. Vegas imports it in interlaced video. How would I manually Deinterlace this video, and what does that actually do by Deinterlacing it? What is the other format if it isn't interlaced? And can someone explain Interlaced Video, I think I know what it is, but just to clarify.

If I were to have a Premiere, and transfer the video to 35mm Film, and project it at a cinema, how much would it cost and how would it look in terms of quality?

Posted : 10/09/2005 12:03 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

Interlacing is a mechanism which splits the image into two seperate lines which each take it in turn flashing on and off. Your online editing programme will be able to Deinterlace (that is koin together) at the click of a button, and projectors wont be fussed about this.

Posted : 06/10/2005 6:07 am
Posts: 2
New Member


Originally posted by ezra

I have been using Vegas since version 4 (about 2 and a bit years) and that is great editing software to use. I recommend it to anyone, especially since the new version, Vegas 6, has so many more features (like HD Support, External Monitor Previewing).

MarkG. So the camera shoots Interlaced Video. Vegas imports it in interlaced video. How would I manually Deinterlace this video, and what does that actually do by Deinterlacing it? What is the other format if it isn't interlaced? And can someone explain Interlaced Video, I think I know what it is, but just to clarify.

If I were to have a Premiere, and transfer the video to 35mm Film, and project it at a cinema, how much would it cost and how would it look in terms of quality?

Posted : 20/10/2005 8:00 am
Posts: 2
New Member

Hi Ezra,

Re; getting a kine (35mm blow up) from video in Australia.

I got a 54min. doco blown up from miniDVCAM source tapes (cut on Avid and mastered to digibeta). The process is time consuming and expensive (cost=$30,000AUS) but the finished product wsa beautiful and looked amazing on the big screen. It's hard to justify the expense unless you envisage a decent cinema run or someone else is paying for it.

Posted : 20/10/2005 8:08 am