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pdv 150

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Is it possible to adjust the shutter speed on the sony pdv 150?. I'm looking to create a slow motion but want to be able to pull it off using just the camera.


Posted : 04/12/2005 9:53 pm
Posts: 50
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shutter speed controls on cameras where it exists doesn't control the speed of the film (as far as i know).
(It's like in a still camera) It affects only each frame. if it's longer you're image will be brighter but blurry, and if its faster it'll be sharper but darker.

Cameras which can do this usually have a range from 1/30th of a second (for NTSC, because you need to be able to fit 30 frames into a second) to something like 1/1000th or further.

To change the speed you would need to change the number of times per second the camera captures a frame. You would set it to 60 frames (or 48 for film) and then you'd get the image in 1/2 speed. Or to 15 (or 12 for film) to get double speed.

I don't know of any digital cameras that do this, but I'm sure it'd be made somewhat obvious if the camera had such a function.

I don't know anything about the pdv150 specifically.

Good Luck.

Posted : 05/12/2005 4:03 am
Posts: 14
Active Member

it is possible to adjust all shutter speeds on pd 150/170. was my old camara but hard to adpat. depending which formatt you film mini dv/ dv cam ) is where you can adjust it! send me email and tell you exactly how do slow down or speed up shutter speed! also most editing software does this too. dv cam is best format on this camara, yet the media world has turn to hdv which is much clear quality. Hope this helps?8D?

Posted : 29/12/2005 2:08 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member


Originally posted by stormangel2005

send me email and tell you exactly how do slow down or speed up shutter speed!

Hi storm. How about giving all of us this helpful advice rather than take it off the boards.

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Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 29/12/2005 3:59 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member

ok had to dig out my pd 170 to remember how do so!!it so yesterday!!
at rear of camara where auto lock and hold are, move slider into the middle position, then press the shutter speed button, between gain and whl bal. now to adjust it, just use wheel to scroll up and down do desired speed!!! that simple! who needs a manual!!?:D? hope this helps!!
p.s switching to dv cam helps. and for brightness same again in white balance and 3 filters! as for camara lights filters on them to soften light!

Posted : 29/12/2005 8:18 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Thanks storm. How does adjusting the shutter speed create slow motion?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 30/12/2005 5:52 am
Posts: 14
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the lower you set your shutter speed the slow the capture rate! as in photography....the quick the shutter speed the quick the film roles and less exposed to light! this a basic rule in photography and lighting! and same applies with video!

and yes im blonde and this cheap trick always was easy to do... so have go and see if im right and see what it effects does! any novice can do it!

another thing is the slower it captured the less tape it uses and reverse if captured much quickly!!?;)?

Posted : 30/12/2005 1:53 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

As vierstein mentioned, I've always understood slow motion to be the amount of frames shot in relation to the amount of frames projected. If you shoot 200 frames per second and projects at 24 frames per second the projected image appears slow.


Originally posted by stormangel2005

another thing is the slower it captured the less tape it uses and reverse if captured much quickly!!

I thought the shutter speed changed the amount of light entering the lens and effects the depth of field. I didn't think changing the shutter speed changes the speed of the tape.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 30/12/2005 4:30 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member

Nice maths! it takes more tape to compress the faster the frames are! dv and dv cam do make this difference! dv cam is recording faster so 60 min tape are only 45mins. yet dv is the full 60 mins. yet not as clear quailty! compresion is faster for quailty and more frames and less dropouts (lost frames!)!

yet on the days i was using dv cam, to slow dv cam down for slow motion shots i would adjust shutter speed for lighting and/or framing!! it is combination of both as you mention! hdv has this cool function and has this feature installed! and it adjust shutter speed automaticly too! yet pd 150 is very basic. and im worked off a pd170 and i couldn't noticed the difference in them? maybe added features? ?;)?

Posted : 31/12/2005 3:31 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member


Originally posted by stormangel2005

Nice maths! it takes more tape to compress the faster the frames are! dv and dv cam do make this difference! dv cam is recording faster so 60 min tape are only 45mins. yet dv is the full 60 mins. yet not as clear quailty! compresion is faster for quailty and more frames and less dropouts (lost frames!)!

This isn't what I understod. I didn't think that DVCAM was recording faster, I read that DVCAM records to a 15 micron track pitch where as DV records to a 10 micron track pitch. This means that DVCAM provides more physical space for recording data to tape and in doing provides less recording time than normal DV. But the tape is moving at the same speed.

Did I misunderstand? Is the tape actually moving faster?


yet on the days i was using dv cam, to slow dv cam down for slow motion shots i would adjust shutter speed for lighting and/or framing!! it is combination of both as you mention! hdv has this cool function and has this feature installed! and it adjust shutter speed automaticly too! yet pd 150 is very basic. and im worked off a pd170 and i couldn't noticed the difference in them? maybe added features?

Sorry storm, but I?m still confused. I tried it changing the shudder and it didn?t give me slow motion, so I?m back for more questions.

Using the PD-170 in DVCAM mode the shutter is normally set at 1/60. If I change the shutter speed to, lets say 1/120, it doesn?t give me a slow motion effect because it?s still shooting at the same frames per second. I tried it at 1/30 and even 1/10,000. It changed the amount of light reaching the lens (which I?ve always thought the shutter did) but it didn?t create slow motion or fast motion - which I always thought was the frames per second.

What did I do wrong?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 31/12/2005 5:15 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member

lol simple, is it set on dv cam 32k or 48k?? 48k!! (as instigator said) is right setting!

does someone wish to explain about shortplay and longplay! dv and dv cam is de reverse!!!!! and yes your right too instigator dv cam compresses at such a rate it, it records faster frames so of course it has to move faster than normal dv does to do all so!
(This means that DVCAM provides more physical space for recording data to tape and in doing provides less recording time than normal DV) correct!!!!!!!! why?? to prevent dropped/lost frames!

as for the rest of settings ill double check for you tommorrow!!include the shutter speed settings!?!

untill then have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR whereever you are hiding, and bring on 2006! i raise a glass of champagne to all you wonderful media crews sucess!! best wishes storm tv!!xx?;)?

Posted : 31/12/2005 7:49 pm