day 1 logID=218476466&MyToken=f1635254-996a-4eaa-a5f3-49c88d72872d
day 2 logID=220346807&MyToken=1178200c-5051-4a0d-bf7f-c5e321e23ba5
Started shooting a new feature in New Orleans called "No exit" check it out on IMDB
Where shooting with HVX with M2 adapter with a 5 ton grip truck and 600amp Gennie 12k and 4k HMIs, 20k 10k 5k etc tungsten...Nikon lenses 14mm to 300mm
I started a Blog about it please read it and tell me what details topics,,what ever you would like to know more about it...wasn't sure how much tech talk you guys wanted...
I'm doing a little each day but its talking me a long time to get them out so any feed back on how long? and how soon? etc
because of contractual stuff it will be a wile for me to show frame grabs but I have pictures up on
any questions please ask