Does anyone have any tips on lighting a set in the dark and which lights to use?
Well... that's quite a broad question. Kind of like asking "I would like to make amovie. Any tips?".
It will really depend on what kind of set (exterior, interior, any existing light or none, what is the context of the scene, etc). You may get much more specific tips if you get a bit more specific with your question.
Shouldn't you start with dark, then build your lighting? I'm a total noob, but I try to film all interiors without using the ceiling lights (especially florescent) if I can avoid it. What kind of scene are you filming?
Originally posted by 93jman
Does anyone have any tips on lighting a set in the dark and which lights to use?JC.
Do you mean that you are walking into a completely dark stage and have to light from scratch? If so, then yeah, it's hard to tell you what to use without knowing what the set is and what the movie calls for.
Or perhaps you mean that you need to just WORK in a dark place into you get lighting up and going, so in that case, just general worklights shot into the ceiling are fine. 🙂
Brian Dzyak
IATSE Local 600, SOC
Brian Dzyak
IATSE Local 600, SOC
I had a lot trouble with lightning when I started out too
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