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Lighting In Remote Aereas

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Hello again. I've now come up with an idea of what my film is going to be about, and a somewhat decent storyline, but what I am worrying about now, is how to get lights out in remote aereas such as on a feild, or in the forest. I thought of buying a generator, or using a car battery, but both of those make lots of noise, and that would wreck the audio tracks. So would my best bet be to put the generator far away from the scene and cover it up, using long exnension cords, or does anyone here have a better idea? Or would I be better off shooting day for night (or was it night for day?)





Posted : 03/07/2006 7:59 pm
Posts: 6
Active Member

hey Shmithers,

it's day for night, and you're best off trying that. getting lights into remote areas is a tricky process for sound. unless you maybe try and sync sound in post or something. a car battery will be quieter than a generator, but even then you'll get a hum. same if you keep the generator far with lots of extension cord. now if you're brilliant at sound editing, maybe just maybe you can get rid of most of it. but even then there isn't really a fool proof inexpensive way out.
but then again tahts just my view.
actually on second thought..... there is this thing called invertors, dont know how easily available they'd be to you.... look into it.... its two large batteries very quiet... very very slight hum.... but they dont last long and theyre not too powerful. expensive but. figure it out. else day for night, or don't shoot sync sound.

anyhow good luck with that

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x-x-x Sparks of brilliance veiled beneath the thick smoke of mediocrity. If you look hard enough, you'll see it. If you come close enough you'll feel it.
It's not of my making, i was born into this.
Am i fulfilling my destiny or fighting it?

Posted : 06/07/2006 7:28 pm
Posts: 216
Estimable Member

i had a similar question regarding shooting ? night in an area where plugs won't be available. i really don't want to do day for night...

i heard someone suggest car lights. how well does that work?

Posted : 17/07/2006 12:20 am
Posts: 2
New Member

How much money do you have to spend? Can you rent lights? If you can, the cheapest method is sun guns with battery belts. You can get am open face 200w 2900 unit or a 5500 Joker Hmi par (200W I think). The Arri Pocket par can also run on batt, is 150w and a great little light. The batt belts are not that much to rent. Rent a small geny and keep it far away to keep all the spare belts charged. Happy Lighting!

757 Lighting, Los Angeles, Ca - Local 728

Posted : 02/08/2006 8:16 am
Posts: 108
Estimable Member

I realize this is an older post, but I had a question/suggestion about this as well.

I know that if you go to any hardware store (Canadian Tire, Home Depot), you should be able to buy rechargeable battery packs.

I haven't personally used these, but you might want to check the specs out. It might be good to plug a light or two in in out of the way places... and they're completely silent! You might consider even getting a couple of them, charging them up before heading out in the woods. If you try it and it works, let me know!

'In the life that man creates for himself, he too, creates his demise... and his legacy.'

'In the life that man creates for himself, he too, creates his demise... and his legacy.'

Posted : 14/11/2006 2:11 am