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Help! Home-made equipment for shooting with DV!

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I'm desperately in need of help- we're shooting with a PD150 on minidv this weekend, and I'm worried about the shakiness of our shots. We have a tripod, but in the end, locked off shots can be boring.

Does anyone have any tips on home-made production equipment? I read somewhere that you could make a suspension rig from two planks of wood and some elastic. Anyone know if this works? Or the specifics of its construction? Any other do-it-yourself equipment we can put together?

Thanks in advance,

cabin fever.

Posted : 26/11/2003 1:58 am
Posts: 50
Trusted Member

Search the archives on the forums - I spotted a discussion about homemade steadicams that went into a lot of detail. Unfortunately my link to the discussion is stored on my home computer.

You should also consider using your tripod (if it's light enought) - fold it up and attach the camera. Try it.

Finally, here's a snippet from a review of Evil Dead:

"A bold use of lenses and lighting, not to mention the homemade Steadicam (the camera was fixed to a plank of wood carried by crew members to create the sweeping point-of-view shots of the demonic force)"

Good luck


serious about nothin' 'cept film

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Bernardo! Bernardo.
You're damn right...

Posted : 27/11/2003 12:59 pm
Posts: 11
Active Member

Don't forget the good ol' wheelchair (for dolly shots). Someone always knows someone who has an old/spare/loanable wheelchair. Failing that, borrow a shopping cart from the grocery store. ?:p?

I've used everything from an astronomical telescope weight to a box-of-rocks for a steadicam. Read a little about what a steadicam does and understand the center of gravity issue - then you'll find that you can (literally) use a thousand things around the house and/or build one very easily for not too much cash. Always nicest if you can saw off the end of a tripod, though - so it can actually screw into your camera.


The Word is spreading!
is THE best value on the planet!

Posted : 08/02/2004 5:59 am