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good movies according to direction.

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hi can anyone tell me some master peices of hollywood movies which are best accoding to their camea angls,camera movements and according t lghting and other stuff?. u can say direction a s a whole?but there should not be 3d work included in it?i mean i dont want names like shrek or shrek 1 ?...the movies from which i can learn a lot about camera angles and the stuff i have mentioned above

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 19/12/2007 4:07 am
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

Well, 'Citizen Kane', for a start... they put an awful lot of effort into the lighting and camera work.

More recently, David Fincher usually seems to do interesting things with the camera; I think he's a Hitchcock fan, whose movies also had a lot of interesting camera work. Ridley Scott, maybe?

If you're interested in Hollywood directing in general, I'd suggest watching Scorcese's 'History of American Cinema' documentary; that's got a lot interesting stuff in it, and you may be able to find it on loan at a local library.

Posted : 19/12/2007 4:59 am
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

Natural Born Killers is a good start, in the open sequence alone he uses almost every camera movement and position in the book. Good examples of POV shots, camera dolly and angles for psychological effect, multimedia, use of colors to enhance sequences.

Posted : 20/12/2007 8:20 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

Yeah, true, NBK has a lot of interesting stuff... a friend who knew one of the producers once described it as the world's most expensive art movie, which it probably was at the time.

Robert Richardson (who shot NBK) often does interesting things with cinematography, I remember one time watching a Scorcese movie not because Scorcese directed it but because Richardson was the cinematographer :).

Posted : 20/12/2007 8:47 pm
Posts: 43
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I will suggest you check out some stuff from French New Wave directors like Francois Truffaut or Jean Luc Goddard. They were true auteurs of cinema in did some really different things in their movies in regard to editing and angles and camera movement.

Since the majority of at least their early stuff was mainly shot in real locations or outdoors, the lighing is usually pretty natural, but the other things I mentioned are really interesting to see, especially when compared to the majority of stuff that was being done in Hollywood up to that point.

And all the american New Hollywood Wave directors like Scorcese, Friedkin, Coppola, etc all stated European New Wave directors as being the biggest influences for them.

Posted : 23/12/2007 5:11 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

I would suggest Robert Rodriguez's El Mariachi with the audio commentary track. He doesn't really have fancy movements or framing but he moves the camera a lot and uses a lot of cuts and it's a good primer on what can be done on virtually no budget.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 23/12/2007 7:20 am
Posts: 147
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thanks for telling me the names but please tell me the names of the movies not of the filmmakers as its impossible to get cds by taking the names in a country like tell me the names of hollywood masterpieces

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 27/12/2007 5:40 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Try the website and search for the filmmaker for an entire list of their movies.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 27/12/2007 6:19 am
Posts: 1
New Member

hi there.. just droppin by... and i read your concern just wanna give you some suggestions.. for me, i can recommend Francesco Diaz. He worked as an editor for Meg's Song, an official selection at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2007, Producer and Director of Photography for Las Luciérnagas (Fireflies, 2005) and Second Camera for Are You Feeling Lonely? (2003). He is given the Best Film Award in the Molodist International Film Fest and the Gold Award at the New York Expo of Short Films, and the Reel Frontier Special Jury Award at the Arizona International Film Festival in 2004.So, i think he can help you with your problems. alright? He is one of our best mentors in IAFT...... So, just check him out if you like ?url=

Posted : 10/01/2008 5:10 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

well im just a young aspiring filmmaker and i studied here in asia Cebu,Philippines. and right now in in our thesis 401. well its a good thing that RED Digital Cinema Inc. has delivered the first of a total of five RED Cameras to our school making it the first film school in Asia to incorporate the vastly publicized new generation of cameras.

The fully digital camera that uses a new generation "Mysterium" CMOS imaging sensor represents the next generation of cameras for feature films with a resolution of 4k - four times of the current "High Definition" format. It encompasses a totally digital workflow, recording directly on hard drives and solid-state media instead of tape or physical film.

Praised by international directors like Steven Soderbergh (Traffic, Erin Brokovich) or Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings) as "better than shooting on film,? the RED is one of the most awaited products. Students enrolled in IAFT's two-year CRAZY FILMMAKER PROGRAM. will now we have the unique opportunity to work hands-on with an international cinematography mentor on it.
If you have the time, please do watch my first music video on youtube. Just search for 123 by Junior Kilat. our class and graduates of the IAFT made it. Feel free to post comments as well. I?d be happy to see what you think of it.

Posted : 28/05/2008 10:02 am
Posts: 2
New Member

well im just a young aspiring filmmaker and i studied here in asia Cebu,Philippines. and right now in in our thesis 401. well its a good thing that RED Digital Cinema Inc. has delivered the first of a total of five RED Cameras to our school making it the first film school in Asia to incorporate the vastly publicized new generation of cameras.

The fully digital camera that uses a new generation "Mysterium" CMOS imaging sensor represents the next generation of cameras for feature films with a resolution of 4k - four times of the current "High Definition" format. It encompasses a totally digital workflow, recording directly on hard drives and solid-state media instead of tape or physical film.

Praised by international directors like Steven Soderbergh (Traffic, Erin Brokovich) or Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings) as "better than shooting on film,? the RED is one of the most awaited products. Students enrolled in IAFT's two-year CRAZY FILMMAKER PROGRAM. will now we have the unique opportunity to work hands-on with an international cinematography mentor on it.
If you have the time, please do watch my first music video on youtube. Just search for 123 by Junior Kilat. our class and graduates of the IAFT made it. Feel free to post comments as well. I?d be happy to see what you think of it.

Posted : 28/05/2008 10:04 am
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Alex Proyas has a lot of really cool shots. And his camera rarely stays still. Check out movies like The Crow and Dark City. Also Conrad Hall the DP, always has great lighting. You should check out In Cold Blood. There's a scene when one of the characters and i can't remember who it was right now, is talking to his buddy at night looking out the window while it rains. It's a pretty heart felt conversation where you would expect this guy to cry. But he doesn't. However, the water thats pouring down the window casts a shadow on his face that looks like tears. Simply brilliant.

Posted : 09/07/2008 12:51 pm
Posts: 104
Estimable Member

in my opinion, micheal mann does some fine camera work, some of his movements are very differnt then most.

" see things through my eyes "

Posted : 19/08/2008 12:40 am