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first time director needs your support

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Hello All,

My name is Ashley Wing and i am an amature film maker, at present im in the process of making my first movie about world war 2. We have just launched our website and are just spreading the word about this little project, this movie is being funded by the LHI charity, and is based on local people from where i live who went to war. If you find you have time, please check out our official website at:

More details can be found in a thread at from which I am a member of, the thread is here:

Please feel free to add a post on the thread or even sign the almighty guestbook at the official site, i appreciate any support you guys give.

All the Best
Ashley Wing
(director Between the Lines)

Posted : 28/03/2006 11:43 am
Posts: 216
Estimable Member

i checked out the trailer. looks great.

what did you shoot on?

Posted : 28/03/2006 9:43 pm
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

hey dude, all looking good to me!
good luck woth your film and if you need anything
email me! I score, act and do make up and stunts ect,
check my resume at
get me on: theshapecool?
Russ Diaper

Films are my life!

Films are my life!

Posted : 29/03/2006 12:55 am
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thanks, i shot on an XM2, although not the best camera in the world its good enough for the quality, lots of grading in post helped achive a the look i was after, and the results are what you see 🙂

theshapecool- im checking out your site now 🙂

Posted : 29/03/2006 7:32 am
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Some brief Q&A on this project


"what's Between the Lines"????

Between the lines is a low budget World War 2 Movie which i am directing, I am being funded by a charity called the LHI (find more info at this is a non profit movie for which i am doing for free, the movie tells a story from both sides, each view from each soldier will be told, there are no stereotypes here.

"ok but who the hell are you!"

I'm Ashley Wing, I'm the director, producer, editor, sound engineer and composite effects guy, while it sounds like im doing most of the work, we do actually have a team of people helping out on this project.

"I want to see some picture's this sounds all a bit iffy"

Iffy!?! Ok i suppose the words "low budget" won't install any confidence into anybodys idea of a good movie, but check out some of these photo's, I'm doing my best to get this movie to be great, so real actor's have been drafted in and bootcamp session's in place, we need them to be like soldiers right! Check out the photo's at this link.

"hey it look's like you been doing some homework to get this thing to look right"

Damn straight, I've been on this project since August 2005, it's all i lived and breathed, I want this thing to look good some im working my butt off.

"Well what about some video footage"

You wan't video footage you got it kiddo, here's a link to a script runthrough meeting, getting to grips being like soldiers, and a British teaser clip, these are in DIVX codec, just right click the links and save target as.

"hold on one second! you said DIVX, i don't have that codec"

Don't have that codec, no problem, go to this link first and install the pack that fits you operating system, im guessing most of you have XP by now, click the link dammit and get down to the other links and watch my stuff! remember right click and save target as for those, otherwise you'll be waiting till christmas, and it's April now!

(Divx codec link)

"well it looks ok to me"

Looks ok! well i think you should go to our site and check out the full thing, there's some pretty cool video clips to watch and the German teaser still to check out, I won't be happy until you say "looks great". So get yourself over to NOW!

"ok, ok, ok, gezzz your so damn pushy, ok how can i let you know that you got my full support in this project, you better not ask me for money, and if you think im going to get naked you got anoth....."

Hold your horses there, we don't want money or any naked photo's, if your interested in between the lines and want to follow it's progress, then do so, and to really show your full support just sign the guestbook, it's important to me that you do, it shows what people think and gives me a guide that im going in the right direction.To go directly to the guestbook just click here.

"well that's all pretty interesting stuff, World War 2 is abit boring to me tho"

Boring! Well this is just one movie, there's more to come, i can direct more than just a historical movie you know, we're working on a script right now thats completely different to anything out at the moment, so we are guarding it very closely, it's hot stuff, hotter than the script chilli palmer had in get shorty, and look at all the trouble that caused!

"Well whats this AMAZING movie going to be about?"

All im going to say is Vampires and horror.

"Vampires and horror, don't make me laugh, that sounds like the biggest load of crap ever, it's been done a million times."

Has it really? Well we'll see, If we get the funds to make the movie i'll make you eat those words, it's not like any other movie thats ever been done and has a very strong message that underlines some thing we all do in society, I think it will really stand out from anything that's ever been done, not just from a story point of veiw, but the way it will be shot also.

"Well it all sounds abit corny to me"

Yep I agree, some things just sound plain cheesy, but in the world of films, it's how it looks on screen that counts, there's more ideas in the making but im pretty tied up with what ive got, so im not going to say anything else.

"I think thats all i wanna ask, you guy's have a studio name or whatever?"

Tinyworld productions, that's all you need to know, and it's copyrighted so don't try stealing it or i'll sue you moguel style.

"Woah, ok, i won't steal it, well thanks for the info Ash, it's been interesting to say the least"

No problem buddy, check back now and again because im going to updating the site when i get time, but i think it's going to do as it is for the next 3 months, I'd also like to say thanks for reading this, because without you there is no movie, and i really do appreciate any support you give, it's not hollow words, it's from the heart.

Posted : 02/04/2006 9:50 am
Posts: 216
Estimable Member

i was really impressed with the quality of the look of the film, especially considering the camera you used.

Posted : 03/04/2006 4:36 am
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well pre production is phasing out and principle photography is moving in! I recieved a phone call early yesterday confiming that we have a real tiger one tank to use for the movie, this is the one from band of brothers series and is based on the t55 russian tank. Well i can't wait, this film has just snowballed into some thing i never expected, and this will really sell the effects to the audeince, i can't wait to film this piece of equipment.

Posted : 15/04/2006 10:43 am
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

Wow amazing..
High budget huh?
But cool, I like it..

Nada Taufik
Film Maker

Nada Taufik
Film Maker

Posted : 23/04/2006 10:24 am
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nope, this is very low budget, we have ?3000, but may stretch to ?5000 as costs keep going up. Alot of the effects are by myself to keep costs down, crew are friends and family and the rest is me begging people to help make this movie by letting us use there ww2 gear. The love of film eh, it's a constant battle of begging and scrapping

Posted : 24/04/2006 3:14 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

I don't remember a tiger tank in Band of Brothers. Not saying it wasn't there, I just don't remember it.

I do remember two Tigers in Saving Private Ryan, both based on Russian tanks as you described. One being stored in England and one in California (which almost ran over me but that's another story that has nothing to do with filmmaking).

San Diego, CA


Posted : 24/04/2006 8:32 pm
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During filming and pre production one of our actor's (Gunalp Kocak. aka. Franz Schiller) had captured some behind the scenes footage on his phone and sent it to me. I thought it would be pretty cool to post it up and give you a peek at some of the rubbish we talked about and did, he also captured an interview with me, all from his phone. So please enjoy Franz Schiller's mobile phone video diaries.






Our website is going to have an update very soon with some new picture's and a little bit of a re-design, enjoy!

Posted : 30/05/2006 7:17 pm
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Hello all,

I have Posted up some teaser footage from the shoot. Please go to the link provided, when you enter the page you'll find additional
information and poster details from the clip, at the top of the page
next to the certificate you will see a GREEN play button."RIGHT CLICK" and "SAVE TARGET AS" to download the clip to your desktop. The moviefile format is Divx and lasts around 4 minutes long, If you have problems with the clip go to the DIVX website and download load the codecs to play it. Please leave feedback and comments on that page signed by your name at the bottom (In the reviews and comments box) so I can view them, you can also vote the clip one to five on the rating system, just be honest 🙂

Look forward to reading what you guys think
All the Best


Posted : 12/06/2006 7:27 pm