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Filming locations/permits around the world

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Posts: 8
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Hey guys, I just wanted to start a little discussion here about the difference between states /countries when It comes to filming permits. I know this forum has people from all over the world so I think It would be cool if each one would post here how It is to film locations at their country: if permits are needed, what happens if you're caught without permits, how do you get the permits, etc...

Well, I live in Brazil and here you don't need any permits at all! You can just go anywhere and film and nobody will bother you. Of course this changes if you need to interrupt vehicle traffic or if you're using guns. Speaking of guns, It's a real pain to get them here, normal citizens are not allowed to own guns and even the fake ones are prohibited, you need a special authorization from the army in order to own a fake gun.

So, how It is in your country?



Posted : 17/01/2011 10:33 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Here in the states it's different from state to state and even city to city.

Getting a permit is easy - just pay the fee and it's over. Here in Los Angeles
if you are caught without a permit you will be asked to stop shooting until
you get one. But there are no permit "police" going around checking. You
will only be asked if you create a problem and someone complains. In many
cities here in California no permit is needed.

Here in the states we have laws about fake guns, too.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 19/01/2011 9:42 pm