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Drama Studio Lighting

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I am currently working on a video about bullying and how it can effect people even after it has stopped. I want to create a very dramatic atmosphere...but...when your in a school with people runnning around shouting it hard to do that. I propose to use a drama studio with professional lighting desks etc to create the atmosphere i desire but has not props other than the miminal. I want the attention focused on the acting and the meaning behind it rather than who is in the background.

Would you recomend this?


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Posted : 23/01/2007 8:10 am
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There are no rules when it comes to making a video. Use whatever you want to create the atmosphere you desire.

Allow me to ask a serious question, john: If 4 people responded saying they recommend you doing this and 8 people said you shouldn't try it, what would you do?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 23/01/2007 5:22 pm
Posts: 208
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Btw, this is off-topic but how do you strive to make this video on bullying without it becoming a huge cliche or an absolutist work? With the victims as innocent and good and the bullies as malicious and evil.

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

Posted : 23/01/2007 6:31 pm
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Originally posted by certified instigator


There are no rules when it comes to making a video. Use whatever you want to create the atmosphere you desire.

Allow me to ask a serious question, john: If 4 people responded saying they recommend you doing this and 8 people said you shouldn't try it, what would you do?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

I would take into consideration who said what. The old saying applies - 'Two Wrongs Dont Make A Right'


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Posted : 23/01/2007 8:16 pm
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Originally posted by Svelter

Btw, this is off-topic but how do you strive to make this video on bullying without it becoming a huge cliche or an absolutist work? With the victims as innocent and good and the bullies as malicious and evil.

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

In today society nothing is orignal - everything thing has been done and thought of, even if it hasn't been documented in a video. I am combining my own ideas and a methods used by William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens. It a dramatic tragdey with a twist at the end where the good guy 'victim' kills himself after he seeming killed the bully in a fight...however the bully didn't die due to the fatel blow to the head but from 'natural causes' (not known exactly what yet). Im trying to show how even after the bully has stopped bullying its very VERY hard to get over being bullied. (even if the bully is dead)


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Posted : 23/01/2007 8:24 pm
Posts: 208
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I have to say you might be in the grounds of absolutism here. You should show that the bully has his own problems: domestic violence, a bad environment, bullying from other boys. If you don't the bully will just appear as a 2-D robotic figure with no realism at all.

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

Posted : 23/01/2007 10:52 pm
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yes, i agree but im concentrating on the victim...after all even if the bully does have his own problems theres no reason why he should take it out on someone else


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Posted : 24/01/2007 6:11 pm
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The bully's angle could make for a decent theme though. Imagine a scene of an adult getting verbally bullied by his boss. Than that adult screams at his son. Then the son beats on some poor kid at school. Nobody listens to the last innocent victim at the bottom of the chain for whatever reasons.

You could end it with the poor kid's dog eating his homework. He's pissed, he clenches his fist... Does he have what it takes to end the chain?

You've probably got the story mapped out already (sounds like you do) but I had to throw out how the bully perspective option could work without truly making the bully sympathetic.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 24/01/2007 7:54 pm
Posts: 108
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I would have to agree with showing the perspective of the bully. After all, if you show only the perspective of the victim, it's only going to strike a chord with people who watch it who have been bullied. They already know they're being bullied. I presume the people you really want to reach, to show them it isn't okay, are the bullies themselves. They might sympathize more if you show a bit from the perspective, make them think about WHY they're doing it.

'In the life that man creates for himself, he too, creates his demise... and his legacy.'

'In the life that man creates for himself, he too, creates his demise... and his legacy.'

Posted : 24/01/2007 9:57 pm
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Ok, i am filming it tomorrow (booked drama studio) so i want to keep it as short as possibe... so if i include a scene where the bullys dad is abusing him then he goes into schooland takes it out on the victim - will that create enough sympathy?

Update - Should i make the parent alocoholic?


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Posted : 25/01/2007 9:26 am
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Is the point of your film is to show that even bullies have been bullied and they deserve our sympathy?

I got the impression from your first post and the script you posted that you weren't trying to create a sympathetic bully, but to raise awareness that bullying is a tragic thing. Your script points out the the effect of a bully can still hurt even after they're gone. Making us care for and understand why the bully does what he does is a very different story.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 25/01/2007 4:35 pm
Posts: 1814
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It's a fine line, you don't want the bully to be sympathetic, and the father being an alchi would probably do that. I was suggesting more of a theme on the nature of bullying, the cycle of violence aspect. I think you need at least one more bully in the chain for that to work.

So long story short, if you are ready to shoot I don't think you should necessarily make any last minute changes as adding in additional characters and stuff could easily ruin what you've already done if not done exactly right, which would be difficult on short notice. You could potentially add that sort of thing in later, as flashbacks or other scenes, and lengthen your film, but for now go with the core idea you were already planning.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 25/01/2007 4:37 pm
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The original point of this film is to highlight how bad bullying can get and to show that the bully leaves lasting damage and still hurts the victim even after theys gone/stopped


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Posted : 25/01/2007 5:39 pm
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Originally posted by john2006mad

The original point of this film is to highlight how bad bullying can get and to show that the bully leaves lasting damage and still hurts the victim even after theys gone/stopped

Do you want to show that even bullies have been bullied and they deserve our sympathy?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 26/01/2007 7:52 am
Posts: 78
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No, i dont have any sympathy for bullies and i dont think there is ny excuse for bullying.


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Posted : 26/01/2007 4:36 pm
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