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Bullet Hits!

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I know i've asked it before but since there are many more members to the last time i was here i thought i'd ask again. Does anyone have any ideas of making good bullet hits. I know the one on Exposure with an insectiside spray (this is what i would love to use however it is hard to find an insectiside sprayer with an unscrewable spray nozzle in the UK), i was told party poppers were good although i tried this & they were completely rubbish, & i have also purchased the special effects programme AlamDV2, which although is a nice programme, the bullet hits look way to like CGI. Just wondering if anyone else knew any other ways or techniques for realistic bullet hits?

It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it!

It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it!

Posted : 10/07/2003 2:54 pm
Posts: 146
Estimable Member

The cut to the guys face then back to the mid shot (which is actually him with a new shirt with bullit hole(s) and fake blood is an easy way out, its also good because you can have some extreme facial experssions.

Make Love Not War!

Make Love Not War!

Posted : 11/07/2003 8:22 am
Posts: 5
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Yeah this is sort of what i done in my first short movie but due to it being a college short we didn't have access to much & had to finish the movie that day therefore we still shoted the gunfight scene (therefore not needing any flashes, it was also analogue editing & not digital) & had various still shots of the people involved then faded out & back in again to the people who recieved the bullet wounds! Although i would like to see the bullet wound as that would be cool. But of course if you gotta go around it you gotta go around it. Thanks for the idea mandor700 i might use that one possibly put it in slow motion also! ?:D?

It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it!

It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it!

Posted : 11/07/2003 10:41 am
Posts: 2
New Member

check out
it should help you out.


Posted : 22/09/2003 3:48 pm
Posts: 15
Eminent Member

hey .this is just an idea. get a condom or a balloon .. of some sort and weaken it buy stretching etc. And fill it with your fake blood ( maple syrup and red food dye). Then tape it to ur actors body. and either stitch or tie a piece of thread or fishing wire or wat ever through or around the condom or the balloon . and tread it through a whole in there shirt .. then when u pull on it hard .. like give i a quick hard tug .. it is possible that it could give the disirable effects .. possibly im not sure aghhhh .. ?:p?

To obtain a birds eye is to turn a blizzard into a breeze :)> ? B

"what if i had a mustard drenched cucumber tied to my leg"

Posted : 20/10/2003 3:03 am