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writing a story

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Why can't I get this thing going I need to finish this story,for some reason there are more days that the feeling to write is not with me.I know what they say ,you write when you dont feel like it. But it's so hard, please is there anything you I can do to get that feeling all the time, this has to get done soon.

Posted : 10/04/2005 9:19 am
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Yes, there actually is, but it depends on how you are writing your script. If it is on a laptop or handwritten, change your writing atmosphere. Write in parks, bring a travel chair with you into a secluded, even wooded area. Write in libraries, cafes, or in book stores in the least populated isle.

If you are bound to a PC, take time to sit back close your eyes and imagine the characters and/or scenario you created happeneing. When it becomes real to you, it will start to just move. If you like where it's moving, take notes only after the scene in your head has ended. Don't stop it to take notes.If that doesn't work, try talking it out loud.

You may also want to try different writing tools instead of just writing in word or works. For screenplays and plays there are some great free tools that do all the spacing and headings for you so you are free to just concetrate on writing.

Hope this helped. If not, there's always halucenagens. Joke.

Posted : 11/04/2005 5:02 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

Robert Rodriguez suggested writing in bed: because getting out of bed is one of the few things he hates doing more than writing :).

Posted : 11/04/2005 5:59 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

This is all a mindgame, different people have different ways of getting over it. Here are a couple.

Sometimes your mind might think of another story, any other story, something you'd rather write than what you are currently working on. When this happens write two stories at once. When your mind drifts jump to that story and keep plugging away until it drifts back. If it doesn't drift back you might finish one and have to start a second story. The key to this is never, ever, juggle three or more stories or you'll just go in circles.

Sometimes your mind drifts towards non-story things. When this happens sit down and type away, even if its garbage. Write some bogus scenes with your characters. Sometimes that can be enough to get the juices flowing and you can start to write something worthwhile.

Another thing to do is go over what you've written and shorten scenes, dump extra characters that serve no purpose. Write a scene or two that might be out of chronological order. Come up with a tagline, a theme, a character trait or two that might make your character more memorable. Anything to get you back into the story.


Posted : 11/04/2005 8:09 pm
Posts: 27
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Topic starter

Man did not know so many people are feeling the same way,thanks for all the help I am going to the park today.I sit in front of my computer all day, waiting for the story to come to me.Well thanks again and wish me luck.

Posted : 11/04/2005 10:28 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member


Sometimes your mind might think of another story, any other story, something you'd rather write than what you are currently working on. When this happens write two stories at once

Yeah, agreed: I have three features I'm actively working on at the moment, so when I get bored of one I can work on another for a while. So long as you don't start so many that none ever get finished, it's probably beneficial to be working on more than one script at a time.

Posted : 11/04/2005 11:32 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

If your juggling three your more disciplined than me. I find I get lost jumping around with more than two. It also helps me if I keep them in different Genres, but then everyone probably has their weird mental quirks they have to figure out and work with to get anything done.


Posted : 12/04/2005 2:43 am