
Working on My scree...
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Working on My screenplay need alittle help.

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Ive got this story in my head. Its about a Nazi and i want to make him look like a hero for fighting for what he belives in. its not what you think*

Im trying to show by this film that socitey is gullable. And by killing what people belive to be the enemey or by taking strong action to stop what they belive to be wrong that people make these hate groups more powerful by the actions they take.

Ive got the story and im ready to start writting. But here is my problem. I don't belive in what the film is standing for. I what this film to be about Hate Groups being right. I don't belive in that. I just want to create a film showing what happends to these people that makes the hate groups right to them. And how what people do that makes them stronger.

How do i make this film and not get labled a Racist Director?

Im finding it hard to write a script to get my message across when it makes it seem like the Hate Goups are right.

Posted : 19/09/2004 4:38 am
Posts: 2
New Member

Even though I don't completely know the storyline. In my opinion you would have to take it from the perspective of the group itself. In society the groups that you speak of, are not viewed as being right, but within their own group they may be seen as a hero...

see if you can include a little more about the story...sounds good so far

Posted : 11/10/2004 9:35 pm
Posts: 10
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Watch american history x

Posted : 06/11/2004 12:06 pm
Posts: 10
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It's a good premise for a story, sounds tough to crack though. You could try using a metaphor for the story, by changing the context to make it more palletable George Orwell did this in animal farm to great effect.

Posted : 06/11/2004 12:12 pm
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

? I disagree completely. do not watch American History X and then try and write a movie. Nothing good could come of it.

Posted : 08/11/2004 3:05 am
Posts: 10
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Thought the American History x was lacking, true. (Mainly because Edward Norton was allowed to hijack the film from the director Tony Kaye).
BUT the premise sounds similar, that was the point.

Posted : 08/11/2004 2:48 pm
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

American History X was a fantastic movie, and don't give Tony Kaye too much credit, as talented as he might have been, his inability to compromise killed his career.

However, if you want to write a movie, and you watch a similar movie before writing it, you will inevitable end up copying it. there's just no way around it. thats all i was saying.

Posted : 10/11/2004 3:33 am
Posts: 10
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Lets agree to disagree. American History X was fairly good, and thats all. It was ambitious but heavy handed in places.
But to avoid it so as not to copy it? What if you repeat half of the ideas?
How do you learn about filmmaking? watching films, and making films.
If you are making a film, you absolutely must watch similar films to avoid accidently copying them. It's part of the research.

Posted : 15/11/2004 10:08 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

Go watch Speilbergs Schindlers List.

Posted : 26/01/2005 5:09 pm
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

I would recomend the grey zone and I would recomend the beleiver. Those movies deal with Nazism to an extent and carry heavy messages about the nature of what the nazi movement was all about. It might help you to understand exactly what you want to say and how it differs from what has already been said.

"It is not important that a director knows how to write but it is important that he knows how to read."
-Billy Wilder

"It is not important that a director knows how to write but it is important that he knows how to read."
-Billy Wilder

Posted : 26/01/2005 6:00 pm