
The beginning of so...
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The beginning of something new

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I'm going to make a short or maybe a feature(it's growing) film, hopfully with the help of sponsoring of the flemish goverment of Culture. It's going to be an experimental film (although what's in a name, and experimental is weak term)
An odd thing happend, I asked my crew and actors to participate in the screenplay... And the result is brilliant. It's a kind of methode that makes a strong fundation for the film. The screenplay has gravity now. I practiced the methode model used for acting. Everyone of the crew has put something of them in the screenplay...
Are there filmmakers who already did that...
please give a comment. Thanks in advance.

Geert Wachtelaer
Pontstraat 39
9300 Aalst
email : wachtelaer.geert?
Website :
0032 53 80 38 60
0032 478 91 30 17

Geert Wachtelaer
Pontstraat 39
9300 Aalst
email : wachtelaer.geert?
Website :
0032 53 80 38 60
0032 478 91 30 17

Posted : 03/07/2006 12:01 am
Posts: 235
Estimable Member

Oftentimes people who are involved in pre-production on my films wind up acting in them, but I've never used the 'method' sort of approach. I think I'll have to try that now, it sounds like it could lead to some really amazing results. Do you plan on using this technique in post-production, as well?

Andrew Gingerich
Exploding Goldfish Films
Check out my vodcast on iTunes:
and my blog at

Andrew Gingerich
Exploding Goldfish Films
Check out my blog at
and my reel at

Posted : 09/07/2006 1:05 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

You're approach seems similar to that done by the group of improv comedians involved in THIS IS SPINAL TAP and other projects. They basically come up with characters and some rough ideas of some scenes and improv their way through. According to the Spinal Tap DVD directors commentary they have hundreds of hours of footage.

Seems you did a similar approach but put the ideas down on paper which will have the benefit of saving a ton of money on film.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 09/07/2006 2:23 am
Posts: 67
Trusted Member

The ICEntertainment crew do the same sort of thing - for instance, our script for Everyone Stupid Dies has had input from everyone, which gives it quite a diverse humour base. I'm really excited about the project!

Morgneto, Master of Morgnetism

Morgneto, Master of Morgnetism

Posted : 09/07/2006 3:09 pm
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The project becomes more and more interesting, a kind of synchronisation is beginning to happen. So, It creates a kind of we're all on-line type situation. Democracy in filmmaking is something I begin to like very much. Even the composer for the soundtrack, has already began to compose some soundscapes and it's really that what I wanted. We're going to make the same movie.
It's completly out of the hollywood style, I remember Mike Figgis while he was shooting a movie and one of the produces came to him and said : 'we already made the trailer, you should take a look because that's the film you should be making'

Geert Wachtelaer
Pontstraat 39
9300 Aalst
email : wachtelaer.geert?
Website :
0032 53 80 38 60
0032 478 91 30 17

Geert Wachtelaer
Pontstraat 39
9300 Aalst
email : wachtelaer.geert?
Website :
0032 53 80 38 60
0032 478 91 30 17

Posted : 19/07/2006 10:14 pm
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Oh,yes I forgot to answer the question if I let the people I'm working with involved in the post-production. Tricky question, and honestly... I'm used to be working alone at post-production, I do the editing myself, with an assistant... I don't know yet, I have no hidden agenda... I think if you begin like I did, you must be consquent and go till the end... ?:I?

Geert Wachtelaer
Pontstraat 39
9300 Aalst
email : wachtelaer.geert?
Website :
0032 53 80 38 60
0032 478 91 30 17

Geert Wachtelaer
Pontstraat 39
9300 Aalst
email : wachtelaer.geert?
Website :
0032 53 80 38 60
0032 478 91 30 17

Posted : 20/07/2006 1:55 pm
Posts: 211
Reputable Member

I mostly work all alone for pre-production, but for just a little bit of the dialogue in the script ( A very tiny bit)
I do it. I want some of their personal traits in their character for the film. So it would look and feel more realistic. but I don't really let them do it, because if they did , they would usually just want to add action scenes and pointless scenes that would make them look "cool".

When the script writing is done, the work has just begun. When the filming is done, the work has just begun. When post-production is done, the work has just begun. When the distribution is done, you decide if the work is done.

Matthew Wesley Miller

Posted : 11/08/2006 1:40 am