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Suggestions and a little help.

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This idea is combined feelings and idea's of my life with a little fictional idea's thrown in to help the story. However, I am really stuck in some places and it would be awesome to get some suggestions to make it better and help the story along.

This is a very basic concept of the story line.


-This boy's parents get divorced just before he was leaving to go away for school. (Bad Terms, Angry and Lost.)

-While away he shuts himself off from the world. He lives a numb life. (Friend brings a girl back and he leaves alone.)

-One night he has a dream about his father getting into a car crash. He decides to come back and fix the bad terms he left on. (Guilty)

-As he returns he realizes how much life has changed. His Bedroom changed? Town? and His Father has a different personality?

-He hasn't seen his sister since he left so they decide to catch up. She invites him to a party that night.

-The boy is reunited with his highschool buddy. They begin to catch up and talk about what they have been doing. (At the party people are doing drugs. This behavior is new to him but joins in since he feels so lost.

-He stumbles home late at night trying to find his house but happy for the first time in a long time.

-At home that night he is thinking about how his home where he grew up doesn't feel like home anymore. He decides that he will leave this behind and try and start a new life back at school.

-At the train station waiting for his train back he notices this girl waiting. (Reading a book of similar tastes and listening to music. )

-They begin talk on the train (She comes on to him. They talk about something similar) The boy doesn't give out much information. Shy

-They say there goodbyes and the boy gets off at his stop to switch trains. He walks down the stairs stops and gets back on the opposite train going back to his house. He decides he is going to stay for a couple more days before rushing back.


-Something extra here.

The boy has a confrontation with his father. The father thinks he is throwing his future away by not going back.

-The boy and girl meet somewhere (Where?)

-The boy sets up a date with the girl and they go to a pool hall. (Relaxed date.)

-They talk about past relationships and how the boy really hasn't had much of a past experience. He explains to her about him shutting people out but opens up to her. Why does he open up to her.

-The friend takes the boy and girl to rekindle the past. (Where do they go?)

-The boy goes to meet the girls mom and over for dinner. The mother shows pictures of the girl at a young age.

-They go to check out a band in a basement show.

-They leave early to go talk on the beach.

-The sex/bed scene.

-His friend takes him and the girl on one last trip around town.

-Conversation someplace between boy and girl telling her that he wants to stay but has to go back. He assures her that he will be back but he doesn't want to give up like he has on everything.
-He goes home and packs his things and goes to bed. That night he is restless and thinks about how he is just running out on his problems again. That he might never find someone like her again.

-The next morning he gets his things and starts out going to the train. He really starts thinking about the girl.

-He walks over to her house to talk to her about staying.


Posted : 27/02/2006 6:20 pm
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

I think you need to flesh out the charectors more and work on giving the scenes you have a little more life, Looks good, can I be in it??? Score it??? Email me if you wanna talk about it more and i'll gladly give your script a good read ?:)?

Films are my life!

Films are my life!

Posted : 28/02/2006 12:53 am
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

Its very similar to that Zach Braff film Garden State. Bits of it extrememly similar.

I fail my right to exercise.

** If its worth making, it's worth making properly. damn it!**

Posted : 03/03/2006 6:35 pm