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Story idea

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Originally posted by kriskerehona

Although I am not Muslim, I believe (and I was told by a Muslim freind) Muslim's are peaceful and do not believe in violence.

that's like saying "all movies are good". within the entire muslim religion there are bound to be a few 'bad seeds'. the religion may preach non-violence but religious fanatics will always go to the extreme to defend their beliefs.

anyway, is there any update on this script idea? im very intrigued by it. out of all the story ideas i've read on this board so far this one seems to actually have some truly amazing potential. pquery? still there? whats the word on this story?

This film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country.
? Clint Eastwood

This film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country.
? Clint Eastwood

Posted : 27/01/2006 6:08 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Although I am not Muslim, I believe (and I was told by a Muslim freind) Muslim's are peaceful and do not believe in violence. This is the issue; how can you call yourself Muslim? It contradicts the fundamental ideology of Islam.
Osama Bin Laden has no right to call himself a Muslim.
As filmmakers we need to open our eyes and ears, show our audiences
the truth, not follow the mass media corporation "spin".

kriskerehona, Islam does not mean Peace in the literal sense of absense of war, it means submission, that is the submission to the will of Allah.

Muslims divide the world into the Islamic part, the House of Submission (Dar al-Islam) and the non-Islamic part as the House of War (Dar al-Harb).

As a filmmaker I'd go to the effort to cover all of this in the main characters journey. Also the differences between the Salafi/Wahabi brand of Jihadist Islam that burst out of Saudi Arabia and the much more peaceful Sufism brand of Islam that was predominant in earlier days. Perhaps an ongoing conflict between the elders at the main characters mosque and the new well funded preachers could create a nice push/pull on the main character. I can also see some semi-neutral characters saying the differences are insignificant and Muslims should not fight other Muslims further pulling the protagonist around.

Of course kelepirci would know best either way being closer to the source than the rest of us but there is a lot of texture there that could make for some pretty gripping cinema, and I don't think Hollywood's likely to cover it.


Posted : 27/01/2006 8:33 pm
Posts: 6
Active Member

okay i dont know whats more interesting, the idea or the excessive reaction it seemed to have sparked unwittingly.

it's an interesting idea, but if you dont mind my saying so, it is just an idea.
the series LOST also had a little bit on naive muslims drawn into a terrorist sect. you might wanna track that down and watch it.
i agree with some of the suggestions..... study islam, also the various movements, extremist, moderate, sufi etc.
also maybe you wanna stay away from the conception that if you're muslim, you're connected with terrorists... it's very easy to go down that road if you're not careful with the script.
i agree, there is a lot of potential, but since you're thinking low budget, it'll have to be a tight plot and screenplay needless to say.
as far as the friend dying is concerned, maybe that is the marking point in the story.... when his life falls apart so bad that he goes with the flow, he doesnt know whats taking over his life, and he just flows with the events.
i do in fact have a lot more to say about it, but i'll wait to see how you react to all this. there were a lot more reactions, and i'll leave you to take it all in.

good luck with everything though, hope it all works out.


x-x-x Sparks of brilliance veiled beneath the thick smoke of mediocrity. If you look hard enough, you'll see it. If you come close enough you'll feel it.
It's not of my making, i was born into this.
Am i fulfilling my destiny or fighting it?

x-x-x Sparks of brilliance veiled beneath the thick smoke of mediocrity. If you look hard enough, you'll see it. If you come close enough you'll feel it.
It's not of my making, i was born into this.
Am i fulfilling my destiny or fighting it?

Posted : 04/02/2006 12:13 pm
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