
scripts, financing,...
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scripts, financing, and cameras, oh my!

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To Whom it may Concern:

Due to the unending workload, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off until further notice. -The Director

Technical stuff-I need ANY and ALL information about cameras, from the names of the rig poles, to the type of film needed; I heard 32 mm is recommended. ?8)?

Financing-Here's how I'm going to present my plea: the package will include a letter introducing myself and the project, a complete copy of script, storyboard, film budget list, and list of positions and how many people I will need to pay. And then the final question: "Will you help fund this movie?"
Since this sounds far-fetched, here's a hint: my age is a HUGE factor to the success of drawing in funds. Escpecially since this kind of project is "ambitious" for my age. ?8D?

Script- I took a critical look at my script the other night, and for the first time, I realized I was approaching the whole plot completely wrong. Also, when I tried to analyze said plot, I also realized that there were a HUGE amount of loopholes that desperately needed to be fixed. So, I'm re-working the script and giving it the proper overhaul it needs to be a success.
I did some research on the area that I'm going to be filming in, since it's history is critical to the script. I found out some very disturbing facts which fueled the thrill of the script even further. However, I looked at some screen writing resources, and they made an important note to "include important details, but don't overdo it; you're writing a script, not a lecture."
I plan to keep this in mind. ??)?

As for getting a cast together, I've decided to have city-wide auditions. It's daft, it's crazy, yes, but I plan to have the widest selection of actors and actresses as possible. (And since I'm putting a professional gentleman in charge of casting, I don't have to worry about selecting lousy actors. ?:I? And for those actors who need an agent to get into the project, they can go through mine.)

I'm trying to get everything planned together, from pre-production, production, post-production, and marketing of my movie. I've learned an amazing amount of things since diving into this industry, and I'm loving every minute of it!! ?:D?

I'm still a beginner to this whole thing, and any advice that you all could give me would be most helpful... (Especially with the technical stuff, I plan to leave most of it up to my cinamatographer, but I still need to know what I want and HOW to direct my tech crew to get what I want for that screen moment, so any help with that would be greatly appreciated!)

Thanks, again, everyone! ???

Posted : 30/05/2005 12:34 am