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Script Needed

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Hey guys,

I was planning on producing a Matrix fan film movie and was wondering if someone would like to write a little script for me. Post here or email me if your interested. I'm terrible at coming up with the storyline.

Rekcut Films

Rekcut Films

Posted : 09/04/2004 5:03 am
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

Well, I've always found that the "secret" to successful writing, that is writing that you are proud of, is to ask questions. Lots and lots of questions. Is this a spoof or does the movie take itself seriously? We know about morpheus and neo but just how many others are fighting the matrix? Maybe this could follow the story of a character we haven't met in the threee films. I'm going to take guess here and assume that you're in your teens here and I apologize if I'm wrong. So, assuming you just want to make a movie with your friends and have a good time try this on for size.
Synopsis: A prestigious school (AKA a local college or prep-school in your area for ext. shots) serves as a guize for young hackers who have been caught breaking into a "bait" computer. The bait computer is a very difficult system run by the government for the sole purpose of catching these prodigies. The school's taught by ex-hackers. Anyway, the matrix comes up at some point. I'll let you take it from here. I hope this atleast got the ball rolling for you.
Best of luck,

"It is not important that a director knows how to write but it is important that he knows how to read."
-Billy Wilder

"It is not important that a director knows how to write but it is important that he knows how to read."
-Billy Wilder

Posted : 09/04/2004 5:26 pm
Posts: 75
Estimable Member

I wrote a script to a film I half planned to shoot but never did. If you would like me to email you with it, just let me know. However, it is kind of long, and being written by teenagers, kinda shitty.



Posted : 09/04/2004 7:46 pm
Posts: 17
Eminent Member

I actually wrote out a whole short film spoof of the Matrix that I wanted to film but it would cost way to much to do just for fun (the fight scene mainly). I also came up with an idea for a serious Matrix movie, but I?m leaving that one alone.

I had the cast already for the short, and had the choreography for the fight, the only thing I didn?t have was the money for the set and the props. The reason it would be hard for anyone to do it though is that one of the characters is eight and the other is five. So it?s kind of hard to cast them, but I had the parts filled. Too bad I didn?t have $500 to $1000 to blow on filming this.

Oh well.


"Excuse me. I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean."

"Excuse me. I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean."

Posted : 10/04/2004 5:29 am
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

for my high school senior video there was a kid who managed to get that rotation freeze frame effect. I'll have to get in touch with him and ask him how he did it. I saw the third instalmment this afternoon. I thought it sucked. On second thought, the sequel wasn't that good either. Maybe the whole damn franchise is over rated. But that's just my opinion. Anyway, best of luck with all the spoofs, requels, and sequels people are planning. I mean that. The experience of making a movie is reawrd with in and of itself.

"It is not important that a director knows how to write but it is important that he knows how to read."
-Billy Wilder

"It is not important that a director knows how to write but it is important that he knows how to read."
-Billy Wilder

Posted : 11/04/2004 2:08 am
Posts: 28
Trusted Member

I wouldn't mind giving this a shot if you have a basic idea of what you want and can take from that and run.
you can reach me at inzaneproduction13?

Posted : 13/04/2004 12:48 pm
Posts: 138
Estimable Member

I'd like to help, but on second thought I'm probably not the best person to write a "Matrix". The first one was good but I got lost in the next two. But if you are desperate I could give it a go.

Posted : 26/04/2004 8:52 am