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ready to shoot one question?

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Posts: 104
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ok so i written a short,and wanna shoot it,i come from a small town where i want the story to take place. Theres a scene that takes places in a resturant?a local resturant?, now i think i can prolly shoot there for free,but my question is if they so no, "not for free", how much should i offer, or go about doing this. give me some adivice on getting the permission. anything will help


" see things through my eyes "

Posted : 30/01/2009 9:43 am
Posts: 217
Reputable Member

if your froma a small town like i am im sure they will, ive shot in a school and convience store, but it depends what you want really.
if you want to shoot a movie in the middle of a crowded resturant things are not going to work out, and you will just get in thier way. could you be more specific about the scene?

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."
-(Own3d Studios)-

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."-(Own3d Studios)-

Posted : 30/01/2009 3:10 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member


Originally posted by hoxienation
but my question is if they so no, "not for free", how much should i offer,

You don't make an offer. If they say they cannot let you shoot for free you
ask, "How much would you charge to allow me to film here?" I'f you can
afford it, pay them, if you can't, tell them how much you CAN afford. If
you cannot come to a price that is good for both of you, you'll have to
try a different location.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 30/01/2009 4:07 pm
Posts: 34
Eminent Member

I definately agree with certified instigator. Either offer them the free advertisment they will get with you shooting there. If not just find another place. There has to be a place that will let you. It's just about asking around.

Posted : 10/02/2009 6:44 pm