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Production Comapny seeking scripts, and writers

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Production comapny looking for anyone who has a script they want to be reviewed and possibly turned into a movie. If you would like my team and I to look at your script, just message me back on here, or email me. We are open to all ideas and are looking for a script or script writer at the moment. If you are either of those. Message me. We could be your big break.

I might be 18, but watch out, everyone has to start somewhere. I'm just starting a bit faster and bigger. 🙂

Posted : 17/02/2007 7:56 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

I am a writer with several scripts. I need that big break. What has your company produced so far?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 18/02/2007 3:41 am
Posts: 60
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email me at byarbrough? Lets discuss what you have written, and wheter or not it suits what our company likes to do. We are also looking for someone who is in the Los Angeles Area who is looking for a chance to write a script for a big blockbuster. We have the idea, now we just need to get it on paper. Our company has only produced one thing so far, but it was fantastic, it was an entry into the new TV show called On The Lot. We are always looking for that great script. Send it my way, and we can take a look!

i welcome ALL to send me their script, ill read it over, think about it, and you might just get a contract with us!!

I might be 18, but watch out, everyone has to start somewhere. I'm just starting a bit faster and bigger. 🙂

Posted : 18/02/2007 6:20 am
Posts: 147
Estimable Member

hi just wanted to get ur ids so tht we can become good friends
i am from pakistan and in next few years i will be studieng filmmaking from though to make some good friends across the id is adeelakhter247?

add me and do tell me abt ur ids too love u frnds

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 18/02/2007 6:38 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

bryce1yar, are you really 18 and working for a production company?

San Diego, CA


Posted : 20/02/2007 6:56 pm
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Yes im really 18 and yes, i really DO own my company. A close group of friends that i have been making school movies for and college movies for have decided to make a production company. We are called Insurrection Films. I am going down to LA city hall this week to file the DBA paperwork. I have a mac pro and i do all my editing with Final Cut Studio and Composition work with Shake. We have one camera at the moment and do all of our work in Digital. We are looking to purchase two Canon XL H1's to upgrade our production capabilities to HD Digital Filmmaking. We have access to actors from our colleges who work for free and credit. We all know how to edit, but i am primarily incharge of that department. I have a sound engineer major incharge of all the sound in the company. I sort of got the hin that no one is taking me seriously, thats your guys' downfall. Sure im 18, but who says you have to be 30 to do great productions? I have been editing for almost 4 years, and have lots of experience. I just hope someone gives us a try because ARE really good at what we do. We are currently working on a project, but i was seeking other ideas just in case those other ideas sounded better then the one we are currently working on because, naturally, the idea that we all came up with sounds great to us, but that does not mean it is great to everyone else. So i just hope everyone starts to take us seriously. If you do not believe me, call me at 818 322 8232. SO IF ANYONE REALLY IS LOOKING TO GET THERE SCRIPT READ AND POSSIBLY MADE INTO A MOVIE, EMAIL ME AT byarbrough?

I might be 18, but watch out, everyone has to start somewhere. I'm just starting a bit faster and bigger. 🙂

Posted : 20/02/2007 10:56 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member


We are all taking you seriously. Please understand that on this discussion board people will ask questions. How you answer them will show your true character.

I chose not to send you any of my scripts because I felt you misrepresented yourself. I am looking for that "big break". Having made one short for a contest doesn't mean you won't be making amazing movies in the future - I believe you will - but you aren't in the position to offer a writer their "big break".

If you had started your post telling us about you and your company and looking for a writer or scripts for your first big movie I would have gladly sent you several pitches. I would love to get started with a new company of ambitious, talented dedicated people. But you chose to give the appearance of being more than you are. Sometimes it's better to show the humble side first. I'm only speaking for myself, but you lost me by claiming that you could offer me my big break.


Originally posted by bryce1yar

I sort of got the hin that no one is taking me seriously, thats your guys' downfall.

This can be a great place to learn, discuss and make contacts. Don't dismiss everyone so quickly.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 20/02/2007 11:59 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

bryce1yar, I asked because I wasn't sure if your signature was a movie quote, a joke I didn't get, or what. I didn't mean anything beyond that. Lots of creative people get early starts, I congratulate you for what you've accomplished so far.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 21/02/2007 12:39 am
Posts: 60
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o wow, sorry, i never really looked at it from that point of view. Ok then, let me restate. We are looking for someone to help us out with making our first big movie. We are looking for anyone who has any good ideas, or scripts. If anyone is interested, email me at byarbrough at mac dot com. Sorry if i offended anyone or led anyone on. Thanks everyone for being honest.


I might be 18, but watch out, everyone has to start somewhere. I'm just starting a bit faster and bigger. 🙂

Posted : 21/02/2007 1:01 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Don't take this wrong, a creative type has a lot more lee-way in clothes, creative spelling, and outbursts than a business type. You are representing a production company in this thread so if you want to be taken seriously you have to think about the corporate image all the time. Especially if you are below the expected age.

If *you* are not the business type you need to find someone in your group to handle that sort of thing. Wear the suit, be at the meetings, be the face of stability. Basically the good cop to balance the out of control creative bad cops that actually make the movies so the rest of the world (and investors) think their money is in trustworthy hands.

Again this isn't a dig, just spitting out the thoughts as they come along, hoping you'll be successful and hire a bunch of us along the way.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 21/02/2007 5:13 pm
Posts: 9
Active Member

I'm seventeen (you can't judge me by i understand your 18... i'll be eighteen in april) and i've written one feature length script (it needs some rewriting work but whaddaya gonna do), and most of the way done with my second scrip and have a strong outline for my third. And i would more than love being involved with a production company.


"Sometimes nothin' can be a pretty cool hand" - Cool Hand Luke

"Sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand" - Cool Hand Luke

Posted : 02/03/2007 2:26 am
Posts: 60
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hey, sorry, i have been UBER busy with work. Working over 60 hours a week. PHEW, and i finally got a chance after work where i had enough energy to hop on here and see whats going on. Thats awesome, i wish i had the patience to sit down and write a whole script. email me at byarbrough at mac dot com. or byarbrough? (if it allows that on here lol). Id me more then willing to talk with you about things. Where are you from btw?


Originally posted by Regular14

I'm seventeen (you can't judge me by i understand your 18... i'll be eighteen in april) and i've written one feature length script (it needs some rewriting work but whaddaya gonna do), and most of the way done with my second scrip and have a strong outline for my third. And i would more than love being involved with a production company.


"Sometimes nothin' can be a pretty cool hand" - Cool Hand Luke

I might be 18, but watch out, everyone has to start somewhere. I'm just starting a bit faster and bigger. 🙂

Posted : 13/03/2007 9:26 am
Posts: 147
Estimable Member

IMPRESSIVE bryce1yar

well dont u have id on hotmail?im planning too for a movie o f 30 mins but it will be 3d animated.lets see what happens.i am right now looking for a script

take care

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 17/03/2007 11:37 am
Posts: 147
Estimable Member

and certified instigator

can u write ascript for us for 3d movie of 30 mins?i am justa starter.looking for any creative guy .im a student so cant pay u at begining untill the movie is sold out to any tv channel.can u?my id is adeel.akhter?

please do reply me

best regards

adeel akhter

adeel akhter

Posted : 17/03/2007 11:41 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

adeel, I'm sorry but I am not available to write scripts for free. Writing is how I earn my living so I take paying jobs first, then help out other people for free. Right now I have too much paying work to be able to take on a non-paid project.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 17/03/2007 3:58 pm
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