
My first screenplay...
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My first screenplay / script / movie story / etc

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Uhh, I've never really made a serious movie before.
I like to write stories, but never have I written one planned for the screen.

Also, please try to realize I was not very careful regarding my grammar, because I am the director and really only I need to understand it.

Anyways, I should probably stop trying to make my story less sucky by shooting excuses at you, and just post the story.

Here it goes:


<Insert title here>

Plain white screen, man (father) starts talking.

I want you to tell me everything. I want to know everything. I want to know?

Screen fades in to the scene, seeing father rest head in hand, sobbing gently. Two men are sitting at a table in what seems like an interrogation room. The silent man (a young man) is sitting very still and looks very pale. The father then bangs on the table and stands up.

Father (voice rising)
I want to know why you destroyed my life, you *ing !

Men standing around the table (guards) run up to the father and put their hands on his arms and gently lower him down to his chair again.

Well?! *!

Father puts his hands on his face and continues to weep.
Camera lowers down to see that under the table, the young man is gliding a shard of glass across his wrist.

Screen is black, and then fades in to a bedroom where the young man is sitting on the edge of his bed. He leaves the room. After he is gone, the camera focuses on the wall where there are numerous posters of a good looking young woman, some of which she is holding hands with another man, seemingly the same age has him.

The camera changes to his bathroom where he is looking at himself in the mirror.
He swallows deeply, closes his eyes and makes a word with his lips. He leaves the bathroom, goes back into his bedroom and lifts up his rug. Underneath the rug is a small purse, and a long switchblade. He puts the switchblade into his back pocket, then picks up the purse and restores the rug in it?s position. He goes up to his dresser, opens the purse, where we see a vile of cocaine.

Camera flashes to a scene where the Youngman is getting kicked by another jock-looking boy his own age, while the Youngman cowers in the corner of an alley.

Camera flashes back to the bedroom, where the Youngman is opening the vile of cocaine.

Camera goes back to the beating scene. The jock?s apparent girlfriend is there, the same girl in the pictures, and she is begging him to stop.

Back again to the bedroom scene, where the young man is sprinkling out a pile of cocaine.

OS- The jock spits on the Youngman?s face, and leaves with his girlfriend.

OS- The Youngman lines up the cocaine

OS- The Youngman is still laying there, with a bloody lip, staring blankly at the alley wall, his hands trying to grasp his legs.

*ing freak.

OS- the Youngman sniffs the cocaine after a short pause, stands straight and rubs his face. He pats the back pocket where his switchblade is, walks over to a picture of the girl and kisses it with his eyes closed. He opens his eyes, grabs his jacket and walks out of the room.

The camera goes to another room, obviously that of a wealthy family, and sees the Jock texting a girl named ?Anna?

Jock?s Cell phone
Meet me ? our place ? 9pm
I have a surprise 4 u

The camera goes to a street where the Jock is walking, whistling, and its night time. There is a car a little ahead of him where the Youngman is sitting, with the lights off. The Jock turns into a wooded area, and the Youngman gets out of the car and quickly shuffles to the park as well, following the jock. The Jock walks toward a stump and sits on it, checks his cell phone, and continues to sit.

The Youngman makes a little too much noise while trying to approach the Jock, resulting in the Jock standing up and turning.

What the * are you doing here, freak boy *chuckles*

The Youngman quickly reaches into his back pocket, pulls the switchblade out, and runs over to the Jock where he thrusts it into his chest. The Jock shows signs of pain and terror and falls down, clenching his chest. The Youngman is staring at the wounded body, then moves over it and we can see (from a low to high angle) the Youngman thrusting punches, and after a few blood starts to spray up onto his face. He continues to punch the obviously dead body, then stands up and backs away, not leaving the body from his eyesight. His fists are very bloody. He sits down, and just stares blankly. The camera changes to see him pacing around in circles, then changes to see him holding his legs in the fetal position, then changes to see him sitting holding his sinus area due to an obvious headache. The camera then changes to see him continuing to punch the body, then just to him standing.

He spits on the ground, walks off, and mutters ?Freak boy.?

This time, it is back to the white interrogation room from the beginning. Both the Youngman and the father are standing up, when the guards ask them to take a seat. The camera goes underneath the table to see the Youngman holding a piece of glass, moving it slowly towards his wrist.



Very cliche, yes, but this is not geared for the general public.
Only friends / family

Posted : 10/02/2007 9:05 pm