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Mothers' problems with our scripts?

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Beowulf, I meant no disrespect to your skills. My point is you started the thread from a personal point of view "mom's problem with script" and turned it into a global "billions want this". If you want to write for billions forget what your mom thinks and write for the billions. If you want to write something your mom would be proud of there are billions of others that want to see that.

If you want to debate the need for blood gor tits and ass in movies start a thread about that rather than the specifics of dealing with how your mom feels as they really are two different discussions even if there is overlap.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 10/06/2007 5:17 pm
Posts: 231
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Originally posted by rjschwarz

Beowulf, I meant no disrespect to your skills. My point is you started the thread from a personal point of view "mom's problem with script" and turned it into a global "billions want this". If you want to write for billions forget what your mom thinks and write for the billions. If you want to write something your mom would be proud of there are billions of others that want to see that. If you want to debate the need for blood gor tits and ass in movies start a thread about that rather than the specifics of dealing with how your mom feels as they really are two different discussions even if there is overlap.

If discussions can not turn down new paths in their journey, talk over coffee would get pretty boring. 🙂

Independent Filmmaking.
Seeking to tell Hero's Journeys

Posted : 10/06/2007 5:19 pm
Posts: 157
Estimable Member

The two are linked- If you feel you are prostituting your talents writing about sex, drugs and guns so you can appeal to the masses then you probably shouldn't be doing it.

I believe a film about gangsters without violence and crime is like a disney film without amazing songs, rubbish :p However, we've all discussed the what should or shouldn't be included in films, but how about the portrayal of violence and sex within the film. Violence can exist in the film, but it doesn't need to be shown necessarily. For example, do you show someone's head being blown off? Or do you just show the blood spattering on the wall? Or do you just show the person pulling the trigger? Or do you just hear the shot? Or does a character hint at the person head being blown off in the script?

Mainstream films have gotton a lot more graphic over time. Whether this is as a result of advancements in technology, an increase in bloodthirsty film-makers or a demand from the consumer for more gore is up for grabs.
It's an age old question- how far do the trends in the media originate from the masses or from the creators of the media- chicken or egg? Do we go down the route of technological determinism- how far is our thinking limited by the technology we have? Incredibly interesting, but ultimately dead end questions- I think it's impossible to answer them absolutely.

There's daggers in mens' smiles

There's daggers in men's smiles

Posted : 10/06/2007 5:37 pm
Posts: 231
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Originally posted by rizzo

The two are linked- If you feel you are prostituting your talents writing about sex, drugs and guns so you can appeal to the masses then you probably shouldn't be doing it.

I believe a film about gangsters without violence and crime is like a disney film without amazing songs, rubbish :p However, we've all discussed the what should or shouldn't be included in films, but how about the portrayal of violence and sex within the film. Violence can exist in the film, but it doesn't need to be shown necessarily. For example, do you show someone's head being blown off? Or do you just show the blood spattering on the wall? Or do you just show the person pulling the trigger? Or do you just hear the shot? Or does a character hint at the person head being blown off in the script?

Excellent points. Personally my limits are such that I would not care to see the grisely violence that has become pervasive in movies such as chainsaw massacre movies, hostile, saw, etc. But that is my limit. It just seems too far, but I can not say that it is too far for others. My limits are probably too far for others. But I as some filmmakers prefer not to show the actual physical violence, or graphic sex, I would rather leave that in the mind of the viewers-- they can fill it in with pictures in their head that they are comfortable with, and that are based on their life experiences, and that their superego/id/whatever needs to see to fill their needs.


Originally posted by rizzo
... ultimately dead end questions- I think it's impossible to answer them absolutely.

True, because the answer is relative to each person's boundaries of what they feel is right or wrong, too far or not far enough, and that of course depends on their genetics, childhood, culture, religious/spiritual beliefs, environment, etc.

Independent Filmmaking.
Seeking to tell Hero's Journeys

Posted : 10/06/2007 7:31 pm
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