
Little bit of help ...
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Little bit of help over here?

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I'm a senior in high school and for my senior project I am planning to make a movie because that is my desired career path.
First let me start by saying this.
I have written the script using a program used to help beginners, or noobs. Since that is out of the way, I have a general plan for cast and locations so that isnt a problem.
Here are my questions.
I need to make a budget for this film. Despite popular belief, money doesnt grow on trees, theres some cotton involved. Basically I know nothing other than I have a script and I know what my cast needs to be like.
I am in need of someone to sort of help me, mentor me if you will, through this process. I'm not too sure about compensation as I'm not the richest individual out there. I've had ideas like sponsoring for my project and such but first and formost I need a plan.

.Blahblah whatever should come next.

Help would be VERY much appreciated. As well as comments/CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM and whatever else you want to throw my way.

So email me or anything else and I'll be in touch scarily quick. Like seriously, you'll be like ?:0?

Thanks 😀

It's okay if you treat me badly. Just remember, your gonna work for me.

Posted : 28/06/2011 1:02 am
Posts: 487
Reputable Member

There is an excellent book full of practical advice for people in your situation. It is called "Filmmaking for Teens: Pulling Off Your Shorts" ( It talks you through the process, explains how to plan, organise and get things done and will likely get you going in the shortest amount of time. Another one that I like recommending to people who dislike reading is probably the shortest possible (relatively) complete book on the subject of moviemaking, and can be read in about a few hours (under 150 pages!): Movie Making Course by Chris Patmore (

With respect to your question on compensation, project such as yours rarely have to deal with that. Cast and crew will more than likely be your friends and class mates (with possible addition of an older brother/relative of yours or your friends, who has some specific experience, for example, in audio recording, or photography/cinematography). Most of these people would normally be happy do do this for free; you'll just have to feed them on the days of the shoot.

I'm curious; what 'program used to help beginners' did you use to write your script?

Posted : 28/06/2011 10:17 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Every filmmaker you have ever heard of started where
you are - with no money.

You can get cast and crew to work for free - FEED THEM!

You can make a movie for just the cost of feeding your
cast and crew.

"Legalities" is way to broad - I'm willing to help you, but
I'm not going to just list evey possibility that you may (or
may not) face. I can answer specific questions.

In the "blahblah" category make sure you put as much
effort into the audio and lighting as you did into the script.
Those two things are what usually brings down a first movie.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 28/06/2011 11:17 am
Posts: 2
New Member
Topic starter

Wow, such fast responses, thank you guys so much! 😀

Well I'll answer in order.

Thank you so much for the book recommendations! I'm going to order them this weekend after I get paid. ?:p?

The program I'm speaking of is Celtx. Its a free program I got from the software section of this site.

?Certified Instigator
Thanks for the food idea. I make really good spring rolls so I'll have some chubby crew when this is done ?:D?
In terms of legality I can make a list of what I was thinkng of exactly and sent it to you.
Another thing about audio and lighting I feel as if I should have someone more experienced than a friend or family member. Not to throw off Vasic's idea but my friends would be good for actors but none of them have worked tech so I feel as if I should look for students at the local community college or art school. I can bribe college students with food! ??:)?

It's okay if you treat me badly. Just remember, your gonna work for me.

Posted : 28/06/2011 10:44 pm