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Alright I was going through some ideas and this seems to be interesting to me, I am asking is it a worth movie to start writing and film.

Im think of a boy who has like im thinking 3 or 4 frends and the boy finds out that he is going to die, he starts to freak out and starts to become really like ill(mentally) and he begins to kill his friends and the reason he does this is because ::this is big:: when he dies he dosnt want his friends to miss him.

So what do you guys thing it might need some work about how things will work out but what do you think anyways...

Posted : 22/03/2005 12:32 am
Posts: 5
Active Member


That's definetly an interesting idea- has a lot of potential
and more than anything i like potential

Good luck with that!

Posted : 22/03/2005 5:31 am
Posts: 216
Estimable Member

as a short film that would be really interesting...

the idea is good, so its all in how you execute it. directing/script/acting... what's the tone you're looking for?

Posted : 22/03/2005 2:50 pm
Posts: 22
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Paging Haley Joel Osment! Your destiny is calling!

Posted : 22/03/2005 5:39 pm
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I am going in the direction of a horror/suspence.

Posted : 22/03/2005 9:35 pm
Posts: 18
Eminent Member

Sounds good. I was reading about child actors in a book, and it is a huge hassle (at least that's what it sounded like). Does it really have to be a child? Check out the pros and cons, I think starring a child would be better, but I'm not sure how your time and budget is.

Just some details I would like to ask:

What is he going to die from?

Any signifigance of mental impact from family?

Any signifigance of location that impacts him mentally? (poor town, etc. )

One comment I would like to add (last thing, I promise). I think at the climax when he kills all of his friends (or before he kills his final friend) he realizes that either he actually won't die, or he realizes that killing his friends impacts alot more people other then him dying.

My two cents,


Site :

Posted : 23/03/2005 1:26 am
Posts: 12
Eminent Member

Sounds quite interesting. HOw old do you intend the boy to be, and how will he kill his friends (I recommend poison, it's somewhat quieter)

You will the emotional impact of killing his friends, isn't it?

Posted : 24/03/2005 9:04 pm
Posts: 216
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if you use child actors, i recommend you rehearse... A LOT.

Posted : 25/03/2005 12:44 am
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I said boy but is wasnt meant as like a boy-boy like a kid I was just saying, oh as I started to write the movie I expect the main charcter to kill his friends with things that reminds them of him or something that relates to the character dying, plus the people who will play in the short-film are going to be like my friends and family so maybe between the ages of like 12-19.

Posted : 31/03/2005 10:17 pm
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

I don't know how much writing you've done, but in my experience you need to be in love with your idea to be able to really write a good screenplay. So, I would say, unless you start becoming more invested with this story, maybe you should keep hunting around until you find something that you are completely confident with.

Posted : 16/04/2005 3:29 am