
I Seek A Scriptwrit...
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I Seek A Scriptwriter - Agent In L.a. Wants Script

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I Seek A Scriptwriter!!

Hi my name Ricky Valladares and I reside in Melbourne, Australia. I am writing ideas for movie into pitches and treatment / short stories for movies. I recently completed one, registered it with the Writer's Guild of America and soon I am registering it with the Library Of Congress in the USA.

After contacting several agents in Hollywood I was advised to have a script available along with a treatment and synopsis. One agent is particular willing at least to have a look through not just treatment, synopsis or pitch but also a script in order to provide representation.

Therefore I seek a good talented and creative scriptwriter in to help me turn this treatment into a script. My intention is to also form a partnership or association with this scriptwriter for this project and others to come for I have many ideas for movies to sell to Hollywood.

I am serious about this and I do not intend to waste anybody's time. I have done and I am still doing research on the film industry and general movie business so that is how serious I am. I want to know as well and not just led to anything just because of lack of knowledge.

This material is a 32 pages long treatment based on a true event. I have managed to work from this event and create a story around it. I am confident It is good and unique that I also strongly believe has a lot of potential for script and movie. It is a mixture of thriller/horror/mystery, some action and drama I believe. Kind of what you see in the Sixth Sense, Stir of echoes, Gothika or even in the Newest feature film called The Return With Sarah Michelle Gellar.

So please contact me to let me know of any interest by emailing me to salenvalls? as soon as possible. I am willing to show synopsis to treatment and the treatment itself for viewing.

I am looking forwards to hearing from you soon.

Ricky Valladares
Melbourne, Australia.

Posted : 09/06/2007 12:39 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

One very important thing to remember is agents only earn money if they sell the script. It's a business and their livelihood.

A writer with one script isn't going to be as desirable a client as a writer with several scripts - no matter how good it is. And a writer with a very good treatment but without a script is going to be even less desirable to an agent. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to find one now, it means you should understand that if you get a meeting, one of the first things an agent is going to ask is, "What else do you have?" If you have a couple of great ideas, that isn't going to be as impressive as pulling out five, really good finished scripts. Frankly, everyone has a great idea but few people are really good writers - and agents represent writers, not people with ideas who need a writer.

It's a very social business - referrals are extremely important and can make it very difficult for a new writer. The best way to get an agent is through a recommendation from someone in the biz, preferably someone with credits. If you?re out of the loop, you?ll have to call the agencies and find out who might be looking for new clients. The writers guild website has a list of agencies. The Hollywood Representation Directory is more expensive (about $70), but lists individual agents at each agency.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 09/06/2007 4:59 pm