
how hould i end thi...
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how hould i end this/wat should i change?

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hey i have been thinking about this.
and have expanded alittle.

a guy is into some heavy drugs. it opens with him taking variouse drugs and falling asleep. he is then walking down the city street and starts to feel sick. he runs into a bar and heads to the back looking for the bathroom he opens a door quickly and inter ups 6 people playing poker....they stare at each other and the man says sorry and turns to leave but the door is locked. the head of the poker table offers him a seat explaining that they only have 6 and need7 to play. the 7th player had to head off.

the man agrees to play. they all play and show there hands. the winner of the hand. the same man that invited him to play then pulls out a bear bottle and spins it to see who "goes first" the man gets very confused as he has never played this way before. the head of the table then pulls out a revolver, loads one bullet in, spins it and hands it to the person the bottle landed on. the main character is last in line to pull the trigger. all of the shots have been empty before his and he KNOWS the gun has one shot left which contains the bullet. he starts to freak out and nearly breaks down.the head of the table gives him an ultamatum...he can pull the trigger on himself or shoot a girl from the bar they brought back. he goes back and forth but finally ends up killing the girl. he nearly throws up he so discusted. the head of the table trys to calm him down by explaining that the baby she was carying wouldent have made it anyway.

he nearly looses it. slowly people start to die untill it is the head of the table and the main character.....

Posted : 15/08/2007 4:14 am
Posts: 175
Estimable Member

Fade out to black....

it's what I'd do. Just make sure you build up to it right so it doesn't feel like too much of a cop out.

"We all have the potential to be great. It is our inability to do so that makes us miserable." C.S.Lewis

"We all have the potential to be great. It is our inability to do so that makes us miserable." C.S.Lewis

Posted : 15/08/2007 10:14 pm
Posts: 48
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hmm ive never thought of that...
u dont think thats a cheap way out?
i guess it kinda leaves it up to the imagination..

i was thinking what if he wins and it turns out he almost died due to drug over dose and was actually dead for a few minutes.

ya know kinda like if he woulda lost the poker game he would have died but he fought through it type thing

Posted : 16/08/2007 12:25 am
Posts: 79
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It depends how you want to go. The fade to black is like a ;tales of the unexpected; by Roahld Dahl, so certainly no one should be able to class it as a cheesy way out.

Also your way is good, for a morality tale. However it doesnt fit quite right with me. With this particular ending. just my opinion.

One of the best things can be done in films is giving that people the decision. If they want to do something good they have to sacrifice something.

Killing the girl may be too confusing.

What if he was about to kill her, changed his mind and shot himself. You could just see the muzzleflash and then your guy wakes up.

He had to get rid of the monkey on his back. And the terror scared him that much he never dreamed again.

Dont forget when we have night terrors, often we can be in bad danger, but we wake up. just as were about to be killed/ hurt

Posted : 16/08/2007 1:18 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Have the guy running the game taunt him over his choice, then the guy points the gun at the guy running the game and he pulls the trigger. BAM! Then we fade to black and hear the guy running the games thugs reaction. Either gunshots, or laughter as nobody had tried that before.

Or have the guy running the game taunt him at his indecision, then the guy points the gun at the guy running the game and pulls the trigger. Click! The barrel is empty. It was a test.

Or change the game, instead of the suicide choice they have to kill someone out in the club. Take them into a back room that is visible on a monitor from the game room and kill them with a knife or gun. Either that or they'll be killed trying to escape. That way the guys running the game could be faking things and the hero is unsure. When it's our heros time he pulls the trigger and the gun is empty. Surprise, you're on candid camera! Now he has to realize that he would have killed.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 16/08/2007 2:38 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

hey, how about this? so you have the head of the table and the main character left. once again 'the head' loads one bullet into the gun and spins. it lands on the main guy. he picks it up and holds it to his head. build up some tension by them taking 2 shots in turn each. CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK. its back with the main guy. again he picks up the gun and puts it to his head. he's really beginning to lose it now through fear, being strung out and the realisation of whats happening. after a beat, he suddenly turns the gun on the head of the table. c/u of 'the heads' reaction; fear, panic. back to the main guy. he swallows hard then closes his eyes. cut to black. BANG. end.

let me know what you think.

Posted : 18/08/2007 11:29 pm
Posts: 48
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i do like that. but the head of the table is soposed to represent a god like figure or a judge of sorts. expesially if i keep the over dose part of the story.

im young i still live at home and im in highschool. my dad has a really cool poker room and i really wanna use it for a short. i only have a few actors. and no money. thats why a 1 location shoot in a poker room at my house is really ideal for my next short.

Posted : 20/08/2007 1:39 am