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How do you get PAST writer's block?

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Hey everyone :). Was sitting here and wanted to know how you (if you enjoy writing), get past your writer's block? I'm always swirling concepts around in my head, but sometimes I just avoid sitting down and fleshing them out. I'm not sure if that's intimidation motivating my lack of action or what, but it's SO frustrating when you have creativity that wants to release itself and you don't allow it.

Has anyone experienced something like this, and what do you do to win over the block?

-Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity-

-Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity-

Posted : 13/09/2009 11:09 pm
Posts: 481
Honorable Member

First of all, you should use proper spelling - "how do you get past writer's block?" - note how I spelled "past". All writers must have their spelling and grammar down pat.

As for putting your ideas down, I suggest taking a writer's course, perhaps two. Then you may have an idea.

I have other suggestions, but first things first.

Posted : 14/09/2009 12:27 am
Posts: 208
Estimable Member

Brainstorming, or simply fooling around. Half of the ideas I've had have come out of random ideas or concepts brought up in a silly conversation with a good friend. If you want or need to think of things on your own though then I find brainstorming can be extremely helpful. You could start with a theme and go from there, you could start from nothing, you could just use word associations, etc.


Passionate -> emotions -> heart -> heart (the organ) -> sacrificial practices of the Aztecs.


Conviction -> belief(I crossed that out because that wasn't the direction I want to go for) -> lawyers -> blood sucking -> vampires

Add that up and BAM:

A vampire lawyer is dealt a tough case concerning the sacrificial practices of the Aztecs, and now his own undead life is put on the line!

Haha, see what I mean? It can be silly, but it can be helpful to get you back into idea making mode, and sometimes you can come up with some gems.

(note I just illustrated one example of gathering ideas)

And yes, spelling is important. 😉


Posted : 14/09/2009 12:34 am
Posts: 6
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thanks for the responses, both of you!

Aspiring mogul: lol, you're absolutely right. Proper spelling would be the first step, however I've just suffered a 12 hour day so I made a little mistake. I do know the difference, but nonetheless thanks for the correction 😉

Corax: that's a fun idea! I'm going to definitely play around with it and see what happens! Thanks 😀

-Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity-

-Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity-

Posted : 14/09/2009 1:12 am
Posts: 6
Active Member
Topic starter

Correction c/o Aspiring mogul 😉

-Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity-

-Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity-

Posted : 14/09/2009 1:16 am
Posts: 61
Trusted Member

It sounds like you have a lot of ideas swimming around in your head, what I suggest is that you start an idea book (that's what I do) or create a file folder where you can write down all your ideas and thoughts so you can get them out of your head. This will help clear up your mind so you can focus.

It sounds like you aren't having much of a case of writers block but more of a case of motivation. I suggest you take a small idea and start with short stories or screenplays. Maybe even create a short story series (like a tv series). This will help you out because they aren't huge projects and you won't be overwhelmed. After you've done that awhile and once it starts becoming more and more a passion over being a chore then I would tackle the big projects.

(That's kind of where I am. I've started big projects but I can't keep up to finish them)
My site to promote my writing/opinions/and soon movies!
My site to promote my writing/opinions/and soon movies!

Posted : 14/09/2009 10:25 am
Posts: 7
Active Member

Everyone has ideas, but it takes discipline to sit down, put pen to paper and actually bang something out. Writer's block is vague and can be caused by any number of things -- laziness, unclear direction, lack of motivation, self-doubt, etc. But if you are a writer, you sit down and WRITE. If you can't force yourself to do that, then maybe this isn't your calling. sorry, a little tough love.

But here's one suggestion. If you're working on something that gets bogged down by "writer's block," put it away and work on something else. IMO, the subconscious is a powerful tool that is always at work regardless of if you're consciously engaged or not. Take a hike, get a good night's sleep, or work on something else, and maybe the problem that was hanging you up will eventually work itself out.

Posted : 27/09/2009 12:44 pm
Posts: 487
Reputable Member


Originally posted by Emulsion

-Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere...

Now that we have already broached the subject of spelling...

What does the word "loosed" mean? I know the verb "to lose" (as in: to misplace something; simple past tense "lost", as in: "I lost my temper"), as well as adjective "loose" (as in: loose change, loose women), but I haven't heard of the verb "to loose" (as the phrase above implies - "tide is loosed...").

Any clarification?

As for getting past writer's block, one thing that helps is, at the end of the day, going over the day and remembering moments when something out of the ordinary happened. Of course, if you have a cellphone, or an iPod/iPhone (or a plain old notebook and a pen), you can write little reminders down when they happen. The point is to write down anything quirky, strange, surprising, awkward... For example: I live in NYC. Right now, the United Nations General Assembly is in session. Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and other heads are all in NY for this. Security around the UN is massive. I walk nearby on my way to work. My cellphone vibrates in my pocket. I reach into the inside pocket to get it, a bunch of NYPD officers mistake my move for fetching a weapon and draw their guns at me. I freeze.

Details such as this one may lead nowhere, but they may inspire a totally unrelated story around them. All you need is a spark to build that fire.

Posted : 28/09/2009 10:09 am
Posts: 208
Estimable Member


Originally posted by Vasic


Originally posted by Emulsion

-Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere...

Now that we have already broached the subject of spelling...

What does the word "loosed" mean? I know the verb "to lose" (as in: to misplace something; simple past tense "lost", as in: "I lost my temper"), as well as adjective "loose" (as in: loose change, loose women), but I haven't heard of the verb "to loose" (as the phrase above implies - "tide is loosed...").

Any clarification?

As for getting past writer's block, one thing that helps is, at the end of the day, going over the day and remembering moments when something out of the ordinary happened. Of course, if you have a cellphone, or an iPod/iPhone (or a plain old notebook and a pen), you can write little reminders down when they happen. The point is to write down anything quirky, strange, surprising, awkward... For example: I live in NYC. Right now, the United Nations General Assembly is in session. Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and other heads are all in NY for this. Security around the UN is massive. I walk nearby on my way to work. My cellphone vibrates in my pocket. I reach into the inside pocket to get it, a bunch of NYPD officers mistake my move for fetching a weapon and draw their guns at me. I freeze.

Details such as this one may lead nowhere, but they may inspire a totally unrelated story around them. All you need is a spark to build that fire.

I asssume he means "to loosen."

But yeah in regards to this entire topic, I would just like to expand upon what CincyRed said concerning "just sitting down and writing." I think I know what he/she was getting at but I don't feel like it was presented properly. If I may:

Just sitting down and writing... that's the most important thing in the process. You have to actually put words to paper, regardless of how they are organized, for you to write something. Some people will plan an entire story out using flash cards before writing a script, and some people will just start on page one and go from there. The way in which you write it down doesn't matter (until you get to the point that you need a script format)but the fact that it is written down is important.

I have an essay due tomorrow. I tried to plan it out during the weekend and I managed a crappy outline, in fact I'm not even satisfied with my arguments or choice of prompt. However, I need to finish the entire formal essay by tomorrow and if I don't get something written down, nothing will happen with the work. It will just stays there. A blank page, unmoving. Its my job as the writer to get the words flowing, or at least starting to move, by whatever the means.

It's the condition of the writer to animate the inanimate; to breathe life into dead pages.

Just start writing. If you feel like you have some great ideas, then that's a good start. Start writing. Maybe what you'll write is crap, maybe you'll need to just put some random opening sequence down that you don't feel does justice to the work at all, maybe you'll have to BS an ending, but it's there: you've written something. If you have a great idea, then you can take comfort in the fact that it's not the idea that's crappy: it's just the writing. Go back, revise, edit, polish. That's how things are written, to the best of my knowledge.

So yes: go and "just do it," but "just doing it" means a lot more than it sounds.


Posted : 28/09/2009 6:20 pm
Posts: 104
Estimable Member

I didnt care bout your spelling, i undertstood what you meant. i consider this a forum, where people can just bypass it and answer your question.

now on to that, i have been writing for two years. I have very much come across writers block. here are couple things i do that hopefully can help you.
1. carry a notebook in your back pocket, sometimes your best ideas come when you least expect it. they always seem to come when your not writing. so make sure to keep a pen handy. go back to those notes when your writing.

2. listen to music. sometimes listening to some good music, can really influence you. I like to listen to certain songs, to set a mood im trying to get into, and that always reflects on my writing. I like to say " with every good movie, comes a good soundtrack"

3. take a break, your mind has a mind of its own. go relax,drink some coffee,surf the web. give your mind a break and then try again later.

4. watch your favorite movie, with directors/writers commentary. listen to them, listen how they visually put it into action. take some notes. it will help your screenwriting process.

these help me, experience with some,see what you come up with. good luck writing,hope all is well.

" see things through my eyes "

" see things through my eyes "

Posted : 04/10/2009 3:07 am