
how do u hire talen...
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how do u hire talent

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just wondering how do u find talent for your film and hire them to work for u for free.

Posted : 02/05/2003 4:03 am
Posts: 75
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Depends how old you are, or how serious you are. If your my age, you can go to your middle school and pick kids who are thinking,"Cool, a movie!"

If your a serious 24 year old, hold open auditons, and advertise in the paper for locals. Or if you are REALLY serious, contact a talent agency.



Posted : 03/05/2003 1:41 pm
Posts: 2
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yeah but will they work for free since the budget of the movie im creating isn't that big. Since im in college and spending my money for my classes and do u know where i can get headshots of actor/actresses.

Posted : 09/05/2003 8:08 am
Posts: 3
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Just put a post up saying what you want. You get enough replies. Trust me.

AmberZak Film Productions

Posted : 20/05/2003 4:22 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

difficult question, if you dont have network...but i will fly over lol
actually I'm trying to start my own project (thought to quit my day job and start travelling with camera) and i do have little bit same problem. i quess best way is to try to find some friend who is talented or willing to learn, or make friend with one 🙂

whereabout you are, i will be around Chigago from Jan 2004

Posted : 11/06/2003 4:38 am