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horror film

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Hello, my name is zachary hopper and i am in high school and love to make films. i am getting ready to make a horror short for under 200 dollars. i have around 30 actors and 10 crew members all of wich i dont need to make a film that will work for free. i have 2 houses , a forest with creek, a huge graveyard a greenscreen studio an unfinished basement a playground a park and a big field all of which i can use for free ihave all my equipment but no idea. do you guys have any ideas for a short or feature film that i can make using the things i have sed. thanks in advance for your responce ?:)?

always learning

Posted : 01/09/2004 4:21 am
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

Hmm... a group of teenagers have an orgy in an old graveyard on a dare. While they make their way back through the woods, spirits from the graveyard grab a couple of them and kill them horribly. The spirits follow them back, killing more of the group in their houses and playground, and the survivors gang together and hole up in their basement to fight off the spirits.

Or something like that.. just get a few teenagers and a lot of fake blood and call it 'an homage to the horror films of the 70s and 80s' :).

Posted : 02/09/2004 1:42 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Hey zak,

In another thread you said you get 30 screenplay submissions a day

Out of the nearly 900 scripts a month you get from the 2 sites you are a member of, couldn't you find a writer there?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 02/09/2004 4:42 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

Well, I wouldn't mind having a go at writing a short script if I knew more about locations, actors, etc, and we could agree on a story. You'd probably need to rewrite the dialog from English to American afterwards though :).

Posted : 02/09/2004 5:22 pm
Posts: 16
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MarkG, that would be great im not a very good writer so you can email me at www.zakhoper316? and i can give you more info on what we have,

certified, ya i could find one with a 5 million dollar budget but not one to git what i have, this is just a little no budget short.

always learning

Posted : 02/09/2004 5:46 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

Sure, I'll mail you when I get home... could be a nice break from writing features that will probably never get made :).

Posted : 02/09/2004 5:54 pm
Posts: 16
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ok, great but you do know that you wont get paid only credit.?:)?

always learning

always learning

Posted : 02/09/2004 6:52 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

With a budget of $200, I'd guessed that much :).

Posted : 02/09/2004 8:06 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

I tried to mail you yesterday but I just checked my mail at home and it bounced back... I did remove the www. from the address, assuming that was wrong. Was that a mistake?

Posted : 03/09/2004 7:54 pm
Posts: 16
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well. idk wats rong im going to get a new email adress right now because this one has ben giving me prob. anyway once i get it i will post it on here it will prob. be about an hour. then we can talk about the script some more.

always learning

Posted : 03/09/2004 8:09 pm
Posts: 16
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ok im sorry about the confusion my email adress is zakhopper316? , thee are 2 p's and i only put one the first time . so its hopper not hoper, it should work now looking forward to talking to you

always learning

Posted : 03/09/2004 8:15 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

The obvious answer is make a zombie movie.

Start with a couple of actors playing with a ouiji board type device (ouiji board might be tradmakered) in a bedroom. It's not their board, it's their sisters and they aren't suppossed to be playing with it but they do.

Different actors visit the grave of their mom get jumped by zombies (fast moving 28 days types if you want a high body count and real terror, slower ones if you want it easier to film and just creepy). Survivors are chased through the baseball field. Across the creek. Into a house. Lots of footage of zombies in the yard outside, if framed right limited numbers of actors piled up near windows can give the appearance of more zombies than you have actors and if you do the makeup right you can even hide the fact that you are reusing actors.

You might want to film an actor or two with green paint on an arm or leg and see if you can use the greenscreen room to make those limbs disappear. The rest of the stuff is simply variety for the different death scenes. Zombies bust in and tear up more actors. Last one flees upstairs, pounds on the door to be let in.

Return to ouiji board-like actors who hear the knocking on the door and put the Oiji board away, afraid of being caught with their sisters board. When they put the board away the zombies either turn around and go back to their graves, fade away, or drop dead where they are standing depending upon how you want the movie to go.

Just an idea but I should think you could take that basic framework and make something pretty entertaining out of it.


Posted : 22/02/2005 6:18 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member


The obvious answer is make a zombie movie.

But zombie movies are so 2004...

Posted : 22/02/2005 6:24 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Zombies movies have been around for a long time, they've only recently started getting taken seriously and half of those are fast zombies that could be considered a seperate subspecies of their own.

DThey also tend to be the worst subgenre of horror movies. BUT they can be very inexpensive and when well made they can be very, very entertaining. I'd rather watch zombies than slashers any day.


Posted : 22/02/2005 8:55 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

The real problem is if you make the movie to be seen, rather than just for the fun of making it. There are so many zombie movies being made at the moment that merely mentioning that it's a zombie movie is going to turn off a large fraction of distributors and festivals... anything but a zombie movie is going to be much easier to sell.

It's like gangster movies in the UK a couple of years ago: everyone was making them, most of them were awful, and there are only so many crap gangster movies people can watch before they refuse to watch another one again for a few years.

Posted : 22/02/2005 9:08 pm
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