
Has Anyone Experien...
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Has Anyone Experienced "The Player" First Hand?

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Posts: 9
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Minus the killing of course. You know what I mean - a producer or director that was supposed to get back to you. They said they wanted to be involved with your project, but never returned phone calls or emails for some reason. What happened? How did you handle it?

Posted : 21/03/2007 6:03 am
Posts: 60
Trusted Member

No i have not, but i have gotten it from writers. lol. so it does go both ways in a sense. And I am doing my best to get back to everyone that either leaves a post here, sends me an email, or contacts me over aim. Sometimes i work really retarted hours, and just come home and sleep. In my case, if I dont get back to you after two days, THEN I would def. send another email, I probably accidently deleted one or something like that. But I do try to work with everyone that I can. So I guess im just asking you writers to ust be patient? lol. Because it takes a lot of time to one, work a full time job, and then run a company on top of that. SO IM taking the pledge of not playing anyone, im honest, if i dont like a script, I will tell you.

I might be 18, but watch out, everyone has to start somewhere. I'm just starting a bit faster and bigger. 🙂

Posted : 22/03/2007 7:03 pm