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Free event: Using people in moving image

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Making a piece of work, whether animation, documentary, fiction or cross-genre, has no complications if it has no people or existing copyright material in it, but once the public, actors, friends and family get involved, or you use other people?s work, then a whole world of clearances, licenses, performers rights, usages and restrictions start to rear their ugly head.

This event for artist film-makers will look at tangible examples from practitioners, lawyers as well as Channel 4. The legal situation and jargon will be explained and there will also be an overview of how Channel FourDocs project uses Creative Commons and from Simon Aeppi, a film maker on his experiences in relation to using people in his work. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

FREE EVENT: Is everyone ok? ? Using people in moving image
Date: Wednesday 15 March 2006
Time: 6.00 - 8.00 pm

The Cinema, Channel 4, 124 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2TX

Secure your free place here: ?url?
More info here: ?url?

You will need to have an understanding of intellectual property to benefit from this event.


Lee Gage, - IP Specialist, Harbottle and Lewis LLP law firm.
Lee will go through clearances from a legal point of view; what you need to know, usages, contracts, performers? rights, and will provide information on the legal transition from private film making to public viewing and showcasing.

Lee Gage has worked with creative businesses of all sizes and types, with a particular specialism in design law. He is co-author of 'Design Law: Protecting and Enforcing Rights', published by the Law Society (2004.)

Simon Aeppli - Artist film-maker
Simon Aeppli works predominately with single screen digital video creating work that has been screened at festivals and artist events in Britain and abroad. His most recent film ?The Grand Prix Priest? was commissioned through a new directors scheme called Reel London, which was co-funded by Film London, ITV London and the Documentary Film Group. The film was broadcast on ITV London in September 2005 and is an intimate portrait of Father Neil Horan, the Irish priest who ran across the racetrackat the 2003 British Grand Prix at Silverstone.

Simon will talk about the process of negotiating clearances for individuals appearing in his films and will show some clips of his work.

Emily Renshaw-Smith, Producer, FourDocs (Channel 4), Magic Lantern Productions.
Emily will talk about how FourDocs users are required to obtain consent from their contributors. She will also give a brief overview of FourDocs where users can upload and download their own 4 minute documentaries under a Creative Commons licence and as a way of sharing content and developing creativity.

Previously, Emily was the Editorial Administrator in the Documentaries Commissioning department at Channel 4 for 4 years before being appointed Producer of FourDocs in March 2005. She was involved in the project from a very early stage as producer and editor of the site.

Finally, Rose Cupit, Manager, Artists' Moving Image Network, Film London and Maggie Ellis, Head of Production, Film London will provide information about the Film London Artist?s Moving Image Network. Both Rose and Maggie will be available to respond to any enquiries at the networking session after the event.

Harbottle & Lewis
Channel 4
Film London

VISIT ?url? for more info


I Like Music

Posted : 07/02/2006 12:23 pm