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Comments welcome...........

Clay is a cold, callous and self absorbed. He likes to think his actions have no consequences and that life is a series of unrelated events. He enjoys manipulating those around him including is best friend, Bryn and his girlfriend, Lauren. (The opening scenes establish this)

Whilst out driving with Bryn, Clay?s reckless behaviour causes a horrific crash, the consequences of which are not revealed.

The film then transforms and we see Clay in a new light. He?s happily settled down with Lauren and their new baby. He?s thoughtful, considerate and compassionate but something is not quite right. A series of bizarre and frightening encounters (clues) with friends and strangers begins to make Clay question his own sanity as his idyllic life begins to disintegrate around him. (Think surreal, dare I say lynch?)

After a shocking final encounter, we slowly see Clay in a hospital bed as a montage of flashbacks (Clay acting carefree, images of Bryn on an autopsy table etc.) reveal the end. Police at his bed side, his pregnant girlfriend (that?s who he has hit) and best friend are dead. Clay breaks, screaming?.actions always have consequences. THE END

Posted : 06/02/2008 4:58 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

The only real problem with this idea is that it's been done 10,000 times before; in fact, I even edited a movie whose plot was essentially the same as yours.

That's not to say that you can't do something different with the 10,001st version and still get noticed, but it is a very common plot.

Posted : 06/02/2008 8:36 pm
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Cheers Mark, do you mean the actual story? what films are you thinking of.



Posted : 07/02/2008 3:20 am
Posts: 1214
Noble Member


?i?Originally posted by moonmin troll?/i?
?br?Cheers Mark, do you mean the actual story? what films are you

Guy who thinks he's alive but is actually dead, or guy who thinks his girlfriend/wife/kid are alive but they are actually dead is a very common story in low-budget shorts. I edited one a couple of years ago and within six months I'd also seen another one that a friend had just made.

That's not to say you shouldn't do it, but be aware that you'll need to do something original with the story if you want to stand out. Also having car crashes and hospital scenes is already pushing up your budget; my friend ended up renting a set that was used for a TV hospital show in the UK and that wasn't the cheapest location ever.

Posted : 07/02/2008 9:01 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Both Rod Serling and Richard Matheson explored this theme in
several Twilight Zone episodes. And as Mark mentioued this is a
very common theme in short and student films. Almost every
festival I go to has a movie with that reveal at the end.

When will you write the script?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 07/02/2008 12:31 pm
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Im not sure if im even going to write the script as im not getting positive feedback from other filmmakers and non-filmmakers alike. Its hard to explain, but i have some interesting ideas for this story as its quite personal, its hard for me to explain because its a crertain mood and atmosphere in my imagination that im finding difficult to put into words. The only way i can put it is that if i were to write and film this it would be very very weird and strange throughout.

Posted : 08/02/2008 8:13 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

moonmin, one of the biggest mistakes a writer can make is to
not write something personal because of what other people say.


?i?Originally posted by moonmin troll?/i?
The only way i can put it is that if i were to write and film this it would be very very weird and strange throughout.

Then you need to write the script and make the movie.

Are you seriously thinking of not making this very personal,
interesting idea into a movie because of what other people say?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 08/02/2008 12:37 pm
Posts: 65
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You are right, i shouldnt be put off. Its annoying me because its almost become a creative block. Before i had this idea i was on a roll, id produced 2 shorts in 3 months all of my own effort. Now i want to make somethng bigger and better, much more character orientated, and its not coming together as quickly as id like. Sometimes i think i should just forget this idea and make more shorts to get more experience but this particular idea is lodged in the front of my mind and it wont let go!!

Whoever said writing and filmmaking was easy eh!!

One of the problems with anything artistic is that everyone has their own idea of whats good and bad, interesting not intersting. Personally i hate sci-fi, but others love it. I think maybe im goin to stop sharing concepts all together and just get out there and make stuff anyway. Too many opinions can ruin your creativity.

Rant over!?:)?

Posted : 08/02/2008 1:28 pm
Posts: 6
Active Member

I think you should be keeping your ideas to yourself there are so many sharks out there now a days who will tell you, that you have an idea thats already been done before, is no good, or that nobody wants. How do you think the Hannah Montana law suit came up? Hannah Montana was pitched to Disney with a different name and a slightly different concept, and Disney said it wouldn't stand a chance then changed it around slightly called it Hannah Montana and brought in writers of there own to take over. Scary, so... if I were you I would trust your gut and get advice, suggestions etc from close friends and family only. Don't mean to come across as pushy or harsh, just don't want you to get ripped off.

Posted : 12/03/2008 8:17 pm