
FILM Budget opinion...
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FILM Budget opinions

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Hello all,

I originally posted sometime ago regarding budget questions for an independent Concert/Doc. film at $500,000. After some work and rethinking I have come up with a budget for $300,000. It will be a one-day shoot of a live concert with a week of pick up shots for interviews and such... Here is the budget below. Appreciate your opinions.


Above The Line Est.

A. Story and Script (Improv) $ 0.00
Printing/Zerox copies: $100.00
Travel/Research (scouting): $250.00

A Subtotal: $350.00

B. Exec/Talent
Director: $20,000.00
Producer: (#1) $20,000.00
Producer/Line Producer:(#1) $10,000.00
Exec. Producer: (#1) $10,000.00
Exec. Producer: (#2) $10,000.00
Star Talent: ($10,000 per comic) $30,000.00
Comedians Interviewed:
($800.00/person based on 12 persons) $9,600.00
B Subtotal: $109,600.00

C. Actors (N/A)


Below-the-Line Est.

D. Crew
Production Management/ Coordinator: $5,500.00
AD: $5,000.00
2nd AD: $700.00
Director of Photography: $3,500.00
6 Camera Operators: $500/day each $3000.00
Set Designer (for subway-car stage): $3,500.00
Carpenters/builders (6 workers): $300.00/day $1,800.00
Make-up: (one person) $400.00
Hair: (one person) $300.00
Wardrobe Department: (2 dressers) $650.00
Lighting Design: (Theatre lights) ----------
Gaffer: $400.00
Grip 1: $350.00
Grip 2: $350.00
One Production Sound Mixer
(plus 5 sound persons): $2,250.00
Slate person: $350.00
Still Photographer: $400.00
Graphic Artist (poster design): $500.00
5 Production Assistants (at $250.00/person) $1,250.00

D Subtotal: $30,200.00

E. Field Equipment
Lighting: (necessary extras) $500.00
Set Dressing: (materials) $5,000.00
Props: $0.00
Grip truck (with expendables): $1,000.00
Camera Truck: $0.00
Camera Rentals: $1,500.00
Tape Stock: $300.00
Field monitor: $100.00
Sound Equipment Rental: $600.00
Walkie-Talkies: (12 total) $400.00

E Subtotal: $9,400.00

F. Location
Proscenium Stage Rental: $15,000.00
Craft Services: $1,000.00
Meals: $500.00
Permits: $0.00
Location Fees: $0.00

F Subtotal: $21,000.00

G. Music/Score
Composer: $10,000.00
Musicians: TBD
Recording Studio: TBD
Music Rights: TBD

G Subtotal: $10,000.00

H. Edit and Finish
Editing Suite: $3,000.00
Editor: (based on two weeks) $4,600.00
Assistant Editor: (based on two weeks) $2,800.00
Sound Design (Edit and Mix): $4,000.00
Title and Credit Graphics: $500.00
Film Look (Frame Runner): $2,000.00
Dubs: $2,000.00

H Subtotal: $18,900.00

I. Other Expenses
Live Event Promoter: $5,000.00
PR (for festivals): $20,000.00
Accountant: $450.00
Insurance: $1,000.00
Workmen?s Comp: $300.00
Website Designer: $2,000.00
T-shirt expenses: $500.00
Festival Travel Expenses for Team: $50,000.00
Contingency: $20,000.00

I Subtotal: $99,250.00

Est. Grand Total: $298,700.00

*Looking for $300,000.00 for project.

Jason Sokoloff

Posted : 21/02/2006 3:34 pm
Posts: 235
Estimable Member

OK... But where are you going to get $300,000?

Andrew Gingerich
Exploding Goldfish Films
Check out my vodcast on iTunes:

Andrew Gingerich
Exploding Goldfish Films
Check out my blog at
and my reel at

Posted : 24/02/2006 6:42 am