
Do I need lavaliers...
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Do I need lavaliers?

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I have a short (5min) film script read to use, I am quite excited to actually recruit actors, plan the actual filming. But I want to know if I will need to buy lavalier mics or if I can get by for now with my Rhode NTG-2 shotgun microphone. The film will basically just involve two locations--the protagonist and antagonist in the front seat of the antagonist's car, and the two of them again walking from the car into an alley. I want to do whatever is needed to make this work. I am even thinking of getting the Varizoom $500 auto rig to film scenes from a camera mounted on the car hood, door, etc. But I am wondering if a boom operator could simply hide in the back seat, have the shotgun microphone held up between the actors, etc. Any ideas? Or should I do it right and get a couple of lavaliers (should they be wireless or wired?), receiver for them, etc.

Linux, the choice of a GNU generation.

Posted : 23/05/2007 10:54 pm
Posts: 157
Estimable Member

Rent an audio studio and do it all in foley- if placement + selection of mics is gonna cost you headaches, it's much easier to do it all later (and often get better results)

There's daggers in men's smiles

Posted : 24/05/2007 3:04 pm
Posts: 231
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Originally posted by rizzo

Rent an audio studio and do it all in foley- if placement + selection of mics is gonna cost you headaches, it's much easier to do it all later (and often get better results)

So you are saying film it but add in the dialog and other sound later with ADR and Foley sound replacement?

Linux, the choice of a GNU generation.

Posted : 24/05/2007 5:51 pm
Posts: 129
Estimable Member

You want to get your dialog when you are shooting. Waiting until post can cost you a the time involved matching it up and getting it right. You can use your shotgun for your sound. You can place the mic in several places. Above the actors or below them. Above is always the best choice for placement so you can either have your sound person in the backseat or suspend the mic from the headliner somehow...what car are you using? The car mounts can require a bit of time to set them up, but you can also shoot from several positions...including behind the actors and having your DP in the backseat...gonna be a crowded backseat. If you shoot tight enough the car won't even have to be moving...then you won't need the mounts. Convertibles make it nice because you can be on the hood and shooting down into the car...use a fan to blow the hair of the actors...looks like the+y are driving. Get your equipment and do a few test shots

Posted : 24/05/2007 7:36 pm