
costume ideas anyon...
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costume ideas anyone?

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harry potter, lord of the rings and underworld all work so well because the costume is so well thought through, suits the characters and all the costumes relate to each other in some way compared to the likes of star wars which mostly the costumes seem to be completely randomised giving the effect off a walking wardrobe... anyway im rambling, i am currently in pre-production of my first movie, Darkness Descending, a fantasy set in the modern world but with anciet demons, wizarding clans, vampires and werewolves. i want to set some kind of standard theme for costume ( eg. victorian, leather, forest dwellers)
does anyone have any ideas?

??? -?:o)?world of moe?:o)?- ???

??? -?:o)?world of moe?:o)?- ???

Posted : 08/10/2009 9:53 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

I don't see the costumes in Star Wars that way. Different races would have different outfits but everything is uniformly worn out looking. Certainly something that is medieval is going to have more leather and faded fabrics and generally less colorful but that is really the only unification from the other movies you mentioned.

The costume should say something about the wearer and/or that wearers race and culture. I don't see how/why drastically different races would have any united theme unless there is a single design demon helping to add flair and flourish to each race for some odd reason.



Posted : 08/10/2009 10:01 am
Posts: 208
Estimable Member

rjschwarz: I think he's mostly referencing LOTR, where the costumes were in fact incredibly well thought out. Check out the special features on the extended edition DVDs; the subtle or obvious motifs that perpetuate through various races and factions is incredible.

Hmm, ideas for moekanz... I'd suggest looking up some literature or wikis on fantasy! Look for some themes and motifs and general things associated with respective creatures/factions/individuals. Vampires for example are associated with death and blood/lack of blood. So maybe for costumes, stay away from bright and vivid colours and focus more on pale and "lifeless" colours to reinforce a theme. Definitely do some research though or pick your own brain to figure out some associations and motifs that would work for the creatures in your movie.


Posted : 08/10/2009 7:00 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

I agree with Lord of the Rings, if you are saying the Elven costumes all interrelated and had a theme. And the Orc costumes all had a theme. And Gondor had a theme. I read the question (and Star Wars example) to indicate that they all shared the same theme which I just didn't see. Perhaps I misread.

Vampires tending towards black. The Vampires probably come from throughout time. Whenever they were turned is the type of costumes they wear, perhaps with an penchant for heavy cape like coats but otherwise the only unifying element is the black color.

WIzards on the other hand might go for monk like robes and renaissance type outfits. Wizards should probably wear whatever colors they want but perhaps with color accents to denote different clans or Houses of Magic.

Werewolves would be a combination of vikings and rockstars. Hairy and scary even when they aren't transformed. Hells Angels.

Demons and Devils should dress sharp and only really be differentiated by an amulet or tattoo or something. They are slick, stylish, and able to blend when they want to. Unless your Demons are of the conjured in a pentagram variety in which case you might go with dark Satanic robes or something.



Posted : 08/10/2009 11:15 pm