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Casting Issues... Someone Please Help

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Ok, so we are getting ready to cast for our film and will be holding auditions this week. One of the roles requires the actress to be full nude. This will be done tastefully and the actresses auditioning for the role were made aware of the scenes in question. What is the proper way, at the audition, to have the ladies undress?

We obviously need to see their bodies to ensure against any scars, deformities and such and to also ensure that they have "The Right Body" for the role, as the specific scenes call for some very specific body characteristics...

So, how do you ask the ladies to undress during auditions without sounding rude or like a pervert?

Should we make sure we have another female in the room during the audition?

Any help here would be great. this is the first time we are filming a movie with full nudity and in the past when we have had topless scenes with women, the actresses have always been personal friends.

Thanks in advance and feel free to email me directly

<b>Gino C
Tampa, Florida
Producer?at?</b><hr noshade size="1">Always looking for other Creative People to Collaborate with.. Contact me and Let's make a Movie!
<i>"If you create it, people will watch it. If you put your heart and soul into it, people will love it."</i>

<b>Gino C
Tampa, Florida
Producer?at?</b><hr noshade size="1">Always looking for other Creative People to Collaborate with.. Contact me and Let's make a Movie!
<i>"If you create it, people will watch it. If you put your heart and soul into it, people will love it."</i>

Posted : 07/08/2007 6:15 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

I do not have actual experience in this but I have read about it so i'll spit out what I remember. (1) Have a female present as a witness if nothing else. (2) have minimal crew available during the audition to make the actors feel more comfortable. (3) remind them that the role requires nudity and that you will have to see them nude. (4) Allow them to bring in a person or people if it makes them feel comfortable. (5) Make certain nbody is alone with the nude actress at any time to prevent accusations and misunderstandings (6) When you film shoot the nude scenes first in case the actor bails out you don't have lots of reshoots with another actor to deal with.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 07/08/2007 6:40 am
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Thanks for the info.. Now that I have read your thoughts, it all seems kind of common sense type stuff. I do think that shooting the nude scenes first would be a good idea just to get them out of the way in case the actress is nervous about it or whatever then we wont have it eating away at her during other scenes. If the actress we pick for that part bails, we are screwed; she is the supporting role.

<b>Gino C
Tampa, Florida
Producer?at?</b><hr noshade size="1">Always looking for other Creative People to Collaborate with.. Contact me and Let's make a Movie!
<i>"If you create it, people will watch it. If you put your heart and soul into it, people will love it."</i>

<b>Gino C
Tampa, Florida
Producer?at?</b><hr noshade size="1">Always looking for other Creative People to Collaborate with.. Contact me and Let's make a Movie!
<i>"If you create it, people will watch it. If you put your heart and soul into it, people will love it."</i>

Posted : 07/08/2007 6:53 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

I have no idea how auditions are held in Florida, but here in Los Angeles no actress would ever undress for an audition. And I would never ask. Except for porn it's considered highly unprofessional. Of course you want to know if the actress is free of any scars, deformities and such and to also ensure that she has "The Right Body" for the role. So ask her. Have her bring swimsuit photos or even nude photos if she has any.

Again, I understand that outside of NY and L.A. the standards are different so I may be out of line for Florida.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 07/08/2007 7:37 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

My source was Lloyd Kauffman's book "MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN MOVIE which says on page 91:

"And speaking of naked, if a part in your script requires a nude scene, you should eventually require the auditioners to disrobe. I have learned the hard way that it's easy for someone to verbally agree to take their clothes off and even easier for them to go back on their word when it's time to bare all. if they're going to do it at all, they will understand when you ask them to do it during the audition process. Anybody who says, "When the time comes, I'll do it ... but I won't do it until then," is lying. Besides, if your serious about making your own damn movie, you will eventually lose all your friends and family and the only thing you will have to keep you company is your library of naked audition tapes."

What Certified says sounds correct but it does leave you hanging if the lady in question doesn't tell the truth about her body, although the photos would probably cover that pretty well.

On the other hand Lloyd Kauffman is out of New Jersey, works with amateurs rather than actors, and has a somewhat tarnished reputation to protect.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 07/08/2007 7:44 am
Posts: 79
Trusted Member

Hi ta prod. Other people have had better ideas on the procedures etc.

Just a thought on the actree though. You sais that she would need certain characteristics. Im not sure how you mean by this. But it may make it easier if you limit this. It may be ok in concept idea but wouldnt it be easier to negate this fact.

That way if the original actresss drops out it would be easier to get a replacement.

How i mean is if you need a particular actree with particular characteristics it may be harder to come by thats suitable for the production.

i.e if you need a girl with a particular tattoo, this could be added instead.

Or if you need one with an actual deformity of some kind like a third nipple, could also be recreated on set.

You have to bear this in mind when considering the script.

If someone wants to add tanks and guns etc, or wants to film on the statue of liberty this may make your production a lot harder dependent upon your resources available.

Always keep in mind as to what is actually achievable otherwise it may hold your production back.

People have wrote things into scripts that arent actually achievable and have then become stuck. The best remedy in that case would be to write it out and think of something else.

You could always advertise for a girl with a deformed breast or with one arm (or whatever the particular characteristic is) but will be a lot harder to find, and to replace when push comes to shove.

For the nude scenes you may actually be able to get a porn actress, who will be more comfortable shedding her clothes.

Other than that you could cast any girl that fits your script i.e tall blonde but you wouldnt HAVE to see them nude.

It may also be an idea to get someone who has done nude before.

Also you would HAVE to have ladies present, just to cover yourself. You dont want anyone crying about assault so you would need to cover yourself.

Hope this helps

Best regards, wayne

Posted : 07/08/2007 12:44 pm
Posts: 175
Estimable Member

One important thing is to make sure you are holding auditions somewhere where they actress can feel comfortable. Have around three people in the room, at least one of them female. If you're holding auditions in your apartment, they're not going to want to take off their clothes. But if you rent a room in a facility, where their are other people in shops or rooms around it, and its the middle of the day, not late at night, then they're more likely to agree. Just do what you can to make it a more comfortable experience for them.

"We all have the potential to be great. It is our inability to do so that makes us miserable." C.S.Lewis

"We all have the potential to be great. It is our inability to do so that makes us miserable." C.S.Lewis

Posted : 07/08/2007 3:23 pm
Posts: 360
Honorable Member

Ive read through every one ellses contris and it seems like they are offering some good ideas. Going back to the idea of having a female present, you could always have the female check the so called characteristics (What are these characteristics by the way?) to check that she fits the part. Then have her perform the scene fully clothed should she check out all right. Also could you briefly set the scene for me please? Cheers Cleary.

Posted : 07/08/2007 4:07 pm
Posts: 5
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All have very good points...

While I originally agreed with CI about it being totally wrong to even ask the girl to disrobe for the audition, one of my colleagues brought up the fact that a lot of these actresses will say anything to get the part, but when the time comes for the nude scene in the film, if she backs out, we will be totally stuck. So we determined it would be essential to have her disrobe for the audition, figuring we would be the same people in the room while the scene was being shot so, if she could do it now, then she would have no issues doing it then.

Sorry i was so vague on the specific characteristics, but did not want to sound prickish to any females, but here goes....

We need a girl with perky, full breasts, no stretch marks and a very "tight" body. Basically, using nude pictures may work, as long as we can be sure that they are not 18 months old and since then, she has had a set of twins by C-section. believe me, I have been pondering this for a long good while and have determined that the only way to make sure is to actually have the disrobing occur at the audition. Now, i just want to make sure i do it in the proper fashion.

I did speak to a few girls today that are going to be reading for the part and 2 out of the 3 did not even hesitate when i told them they would need to disrobe, they simple said, "ok, no problem". the third was a little hesitant but when i explained why, she completely understood and was fine with it. She said the reason she was hesitant at first was because she did not realize there was a nude scene in the film. (guess she should have read the script she has had for 2 weeks now!!)

So i guess as long as one of these three girls is a good fit for the part, we will be fine, problem solved, but knowing my luck, we will audition 4 more that throw a fit about it.

Will have to see how it goes.

Thanks again for all for your input

<b>Gino C
Tampa, Florida
Producer?at?</b><hr noshade size="1">Always looking for other Creative People to Collaborate with.. Contact me and Let's make a Movie!
<i>"If you create it, people will watch it. If you put your heart and soul into it, people will love it."</i>

<b>Gino C
Tampa, Florida
Producer?at?</b><hr noshade size="1">Always looking for other Creative People to Collaborate with.. Contact me and Let's make a Movie!
<i>"If you create it, people will watch it. If you put your heart and soul into it, people will love it."</i>

Posted : 08/08/2007 12:32 am