
another idea for sh...
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another idea for short film.

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ok so for some reasons all my ideas lately have been struggling to make sense to people. ok so heres this one. basically theres a guy in a house with a woman he doesent know..he doesent know how he got there and he cant leave....and there are people that are demond/skitso/ visions and they are telling him to kill the woman. they keep yelling and telling him to kill her....... evenually he sees them in the basement and theres a gun and the people say kill her and u will be able to leave here.
so he does it.....he goes upstairs and shoots her....then the people go and drag him down to the basement and he starts freaking out and asks where he is going and then it fades to black.

ok so the guy is already dead and his time in the house is a purgatory/judgment day type thing......and at the end after he kills her they drag him off to hell.

im a highschool film maker and looking for a one location short film to make. that doesent require alot of actors.

Posted : 17/07/2007 5:41 pm
Posts: 42
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I really like it. How would you portray the demons/visions when the man finally sees them?

Posted : 17/07/2007 6:17 pm
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as normal people. very likeable looking people...i want to show that true evil isint all black with a scary mask......true evil is literally right infront of u sometimes.....and i think i will hint to how he died in it...such as him reading a news paper with a man that was shot and have it be him.....and maby the way he ends up killing her is simular to the way he was killed....i donno i need ideas and input and stuff because i have never been a strong writer and im trying to work on it....

Posted : 17/07/2007 6:23 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Dragging him off to hell sounds like the movie Ghost.

I would add a different twist. He's dead and in pergatory. He knows he's dead. His wife, who has lived a pure life is going to avenge him. She'll go to hell if she kills his murderer (his brother or neighbor or something). He can't allow that so he kills her first. He goes to hell, she goes to Heaven, neighbor goes to prison for her death (and eventually to hell).

Of course you set the story up so that he wants to kill his murderer but knows his wife will go to jail for the crime if he does so when he finally kills her it's a twisted sort of twist.

"You might think I'm sick. Killing my wife to save her soul, but before you judge me know that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt at this point that Heaven and Hell are real and I know which she'll be going to as clearly as I know how I've doomed myself to go the other direction."

San Diego, CA


Posted : 17/07/2007 6:25 pm
Posts: 42
Eminent Member

rjschwarz, you're a genious.

I like the idea of the man struggling between the decision to kill his murderer (which would send his wife to jail) or killing his wife (so that she could go to heaven and the murderer could be caught).

When the murderer would go to hell/purgatory, you could even show something right at the end of the movie where the murderer and the man he killed finally confront each other.

Posted : 17/07/2007 6:40 pm
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the way i was thinking is that the woman he kills isint his wife...he doesent even know her....the people that get him to kill are the demonds of temptation....the woman stands for greed and putting yourself before others...that kinda thing.....

but i like your idea kind of like i kill you which saves your spirit but sends me to hell for killing you type thing.....the only thing with that is why would the demonds be trying to get him to kill her....

Posted : 17/07/2007 6:47 pm
Posts: 175
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Or, you could end it positively, though it could prove somewhat predictable if you don't pull the acting off right. You could have him finally make the decision to kill his wife, and damn himself to an eternity in hell. Then, after the decision, he is confronted by an angel who tells him that he has made a decision that most people wouldn't be able to make, and that there are different types of bravery, some that don't meet our expectations, but are just as brave, bla bla bla hidden moral, bla bla bla. Then, he goes to heaven for his loyalty, and meets his wife their, where he falls down on his knees and profusely apologizes. She lifts him up, and forgives him. Warm moment, fade to back on earth murderer being convicted for death of woman.

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"We all have the potential to be great. It is our inability to do so that makes us miserable." C.S.Lewis

Posted : 17/07/2007 6:53 pm
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ohh ok i miss understood now i get he has to decide between killing his wife or his own killer? ok that makes sense and yea thats good....but how could the the killer and the wife/girlfriend be in the same house? ..maby his brother killed him and the cops cant proove it but the girlfriend/wife knows for sure so she takes it into her own hands.....but the main guy kills her shes off to heaven and then his purgatory is over and hes in hell the only logical person who could have killed her is the brother so he gets charged and is in forward 30 years.....the main guy is sitting in a dark room percieved as hell and the brother walks in and they look at each other the main guy just grins and the brother gazes in fear....CUT TO BLACK:.......? like that maby?

Posted : 17/07/2007 6:54 pm
Posts: 1814
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They could be in the same house because either the killer came to her house, or she went to the killers house. One of them is about to commit a crime, possibly both of them.

You need to set it up that he can't really communicate with the living but he can somehow kill them. I don't really know how that's done.

I would also have the demons try to get him to help his wife kill his own "killer" thus damning them both. Our ghost basically double-crosses them in an unexpected way when he kills his wife instead.

Instead of his wife it could be his mother or his daughter. The blood connection might make the thing more powerful.

It could be a pretty dark twist depending upon how you handle it. I imagine our hero being dragged across the floor by the demons. He's screaming and clawing to keep from being pulled. Then he sees her, bathed in white, ascend to heaven. He smiles and lets the demons yank him down.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 17/07/2007 10:44 pm
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i think im gonna go with this one....just have to fill in some spots and stuff.......a few things...i dont have acces to very old actors ages 15 to like the older ones could pass for maby 25 in a dont you think if the demonds are young they will come across as very fake and forced....i could change this by only hearing his voice until the very last scene when he gets dragged off and just figure out someone to use there.....

Posted : 18/07/2007 5:54 pm
Posts: 1814
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Makeup combined with fancy camerawork and lighting.

I would film the demons separately in the same room and then drop the footage ontop of the other footage but mostly see through. Say 10% to 40% opacity while our ghost character is at 70%-90% opacity and the living people are at 100%. If you shoot each demon separately you vary their visibility depending upon who is speaking.

Having them darker, and only partially visible will help hide the makeup and the age. You could even use masks for some, chop off the mouth portion though so that the mouth moves normally.


Posted : 18/07/2007 8:54 pm
Posts: 175
Estimable Member

I think that the demons would work very well as younger people. As you said yourself,


as normal people. very likeable looking people...i want to show that true evil isint all black with a scary mask......

If the demons were likable, popular looking younger people, who seemed in the fruitfullest part of their life, I think it would be a very good way to portray what you're saying.

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to vote for the video by RansomFilms. I would greatly appreciate your support. Help a budding filmmaker get his break!

"We all have the potential to be great. It is our inability to do so that makes us miserable." C.S.Lewis

Posted : 18/07/2007 9:48 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

I think you have a point, it might be interesting to have the demons be attractive young people (or at least the age of the main character) while they are trying to convince him. It might also be nice to have them change when they get mad, or when they drag him to hell.

Imagine the demons talking to our character. The ones talking are a bit more visible and fairly attractive. The ones in the background fade a bit and, what is that? He looks kind of mean. As if the demons are intentionally hiding their appearance while they try to convince the guy but lose all pretentions when he's made his choice. This could also work nicely if you time it well so that they don't seem like demons at first, just murderous jerks then we notice that some of them change and we get ahead of the main character on what's going on. We realize they are trying to trick him into going to hell and we don't know if he even realizes it.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 18/07/2007 10:25 pm
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yea i like going to shoot all of the demond incounters at the same place...a dark small room that u cant really make out.....and even tho physically they happen at different parts of the house its as if when they come they bring a piece of hell with them....i have one scripted to where hes in the bathroom and hes in a way yelling at the demonds and it doesent really look like a bathroom but then it has a shot of the girl sitting in a chair reading a book while the bathroom door is in the backround and u can see the door moveing a little bit and u can hear him yelling...and she doesent change anything about her she looks as if theres no noise....that will clue them in to the fact that hes not "all there" or something...and when the demonds leave it changes back to the bathroom and he walks out

Posted : 19/07/2007 6:16 am
Posts: 1
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The plot outline sounds a quite similar to that of 'Black Button' -

However, you could pull it off in an original way. Good luck.

Posted : 19/07/2007 2:49 pm