
another idea for fi...
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another idea for film school final

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hey guys. thanks for helping with all my ideas so far but i have one more to consider that came to me today while sitting through a history class.

its for a full lengthed film,

a man say his name is mark is a student at ksu. he studys all the time and has very little if any friends. he was in a head on collision at 16 and was in a coma type thing for a week douring that weeh he had a long dream of a girl at a house. they where roomates in this dream. he wakes up and makes a full recovery. one night after a late night of cramming for a exam he finally crashes and has a dream. not a re occourance of the coma dream but an extention of the first one. it picks up where it left off. he has these dreams everynight. its a second life to him. he actually prefers it more so than his real life. going to sleep is the best part of the day for him. he never tells anyone. one day while shopping at the mall for his mom he runs in to the girl from his dreams the one he is in love with by this time. he waves Very shyish and she kinda smiles back but nothing a friend would do. he fallows her to her house but doesent go in. he is in shock because its the same house. he doesent want to go to sleep that night. he is scared confused but sure enough he falls asleep in a pull of redbulls he was chuging. he has the dream. wen he is with the girl in the dream he puts a huge hole in the wall from a base ball they where playfully tossing around. the next day after classes he drives to her house and rings the door bell. he has to look at the wall. she is terrified by this guy. she already files a police report last night after she got home. she new she was being fallowed. he stands in front of the wall and sees the hole. he nearly breaks down. he calls her by name and states childhood facts about her that he recals from the nearly 3 years of dreaming. she is scared but insists that the hole is from her son and her friend rough housing last night. he then pauses.....and asks about the son. just then her huge husband comes around the corner and nearly kills him and threatens to call the police. he gets home and is very confused. he falls asleep and has the dream again. exept this time the husband shows up and starts trouble but not as a husband or a bf just for some reason hes there. its a dream. they get in to it and he kills the husband saving the girl. the next morning he reads that a a very respected scientist was murdered and sure enough it was him. he has to try and figure out what is goin on and how any of this is possible. the cops now suspect him of murder. the cops think he stocked the girl of his dreams for years and then found out she was merried and killed him. he knows that cant be true. he wants to find an explanation

i donno how to end it guys?

some ideas how to bring it all together would be great

Posted : 18/01/2007 11:05 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

It's a grabber. Sort of like a twilight zone episode.

The only idea that comes to mind is that perhaps he *is* the kid. That is the kid grows up and somehow travels back in time, but the travel put him into a coma and really messed him up, shaking his reality (like Twelve Monkeys). He was drawn to his childhood home but has to figure out/remember why he came back in the first place.

If you want a real twilight zone twist you could develop his backstory, that he's traumatized because his father was killed when he was young. He misuses the equipment and goes back hoping to save his dad and the confusion caused by the whole process leads him to become his father's killer.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 19/01/2007 2:48 am
Posts: 48
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Topic starter

thanks man. and thanks to everyone else on the other posts of mine

anyone else?

Posted : 19/01/2007 3:28 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Another way to do it is have the guy an empath. He feels the pain and suffering others go through. He shares peoples dreams, seeing as if through their eyes, with occasional flashes of the future. Not everyone but some people. Nobody believes him of course. This ability showed up after he woke from the coma and most people think he's got a bit of brain damage or something.

Our protagonist is going through counceling. The 'gift' is emotionally turbulant and the father of a girl he tried to help didn't understand, thought he was crazy or a perv, and used the law to force him into counceling (the girl later commited suicide, our hero feels he could have saved her). This backstory helps provide motivation for him and cuts into his credibility with the police.

He starts to have dreams of this woman. Not romantic but there is definately love. These are crazy, emotionally unbalanced dreams though, different than he had before with the suicidal girl. These dreams make him feel good most of the time. Addicting. Pure love. He thinks he might be seeing through the eyes/emotions of a crazy person though because the love shifts to unfocused rage at times.

Perhaps the medication he takes for his therapy is distorting his own visions. Occasionally he has visions that involve violence. Occasionally she's with another guy in the dreams/visions. At some point he sees a man fighting with the woman. He also sees signs of a funeral or funeral home. He knows someone is going to die. He thinks he can help her, he has to help her, and the stalking section begins.

By the end of the movie he realizes that he's not actually seeing the dreams/visions/emotions of an adult but of a child (not crazy, just a kids unfocused emotions). He sort of catches a glimpse of the child in a mirror during one of the visions and that clues him in. The big twist is the scientist-husband-father of the child, has our protagonist locked away for stalking his wife. Then the scientist is killed by his wife, she'd been planning with the other guy for some time. She might have intended her lover to be the patsy or not, but when our protagonist stumbled into the tale pinning it on him seemed all to obvious. In fact she might even have arranged her 'lover' to free the protagonist in time to ensure he got to the murder scene.

See, she's a total manipulative dirt-bag but her son still adores her without reservations and that's whose vision/emotions our protagonist was channeling so he didn't see it coming.

Anyway it could be like Momento meets Phenominon.

For a further twist you could always have our hero figure it out and call the cops, telling them he's going to save her. He doesn't go of course but that ensures cops are on the scene and save the scientist in time. This option is less down and leaves the kid with a father to look after him while mom goes to prison.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 19/01/2007 3:51 pm