
50 min film ? possi...
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50 min film ? possible?

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Posts: 54
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Maybe a little off topic:
Most of the independent video stores in my area have a section called "local talent" and local filmmakers can submit their films to the stores. If it is reasonably good they will put it on the shelf. Best of all its free to rent them.
This is one possible way to distribute

Posted : 15/02/2007 7:40 pm
Posts: 7
Active Member

It is an interesting conundrum, this whole short film thing. The initial challenge was to come up with something that would excite the people I wanted to work on it, the performers and designers, I did that.

But there in lies the problem, the story would be better served if it was a feature, but the production would be better served if it was a short. It will already be a logistically complicated task to shoot this as a short. It involves complicated crowd scenes, fight scenes, gore, SPFX, costumes.

As a feature it may take longer to shoot but the characters and story would be better served this way. After all you have to admit that a 10-15 minute movie, with 5 major action sequences and a story somewhere in the middle of it may be pushing the limits of possibility. I can't cut any of the action sequences, because depending on which ones I'll either ruin the story or I'll lose the interest of the sword fighters/stunt performers who are involved. This may be my movie, but if its going to be done, its theirs as well.

If I'm going to do this logistically complicated film, then as far as I'm concerned it needs to have a good story. Why go to all that trouble if the story sucks? But all this action, doesn't really leave much elbow room for story, as a short.

I've rewritten the script 6 times and I still can't get it under 25 pages, infact it keeps getting bigger. The more unnecessary bits I cut out, the more character moments and plot turns come in to take their place!

Now you may say 25 pages, well that's a short, but it isn't, not when a whole action sequence is explained in a paragraph.

I can shoot it as a short for next to nothing, as a feature it will require funding to ensure the longer participation necessary from my collaborators to make it.


Thanks for your suggestions so far they've been really helpful, if you have anymore, then please don't hesitate.

Oh well, time for draft number 7!

Prepare to Fecht!

Prepare to Fecht!

Posted : 16/02/2007 9:56 am
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