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surround sound mixing with Protools

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I have a digi002rack system with protools and I was wondering if a plug-in is available for surround soud mixing. I saw on the website that the HD systems have it, but not the LE. so i thought maybe you can get a plug-in. Does one exist, if so, how much? any links?

Posted : 17/03/2005 6:36 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Hi Don. Welcome to the boards.

I deleted your redundant post on this subject. No need to cross post. Most people here read all the boards.

I didn't know the answer to your question so I typed "surround sound plugin" into my search engine and came up with a bunch of them. since I haven't used any of them I can't offer advice as to the best or cheapest - but there sure are a lot of choices.

My mixer uses ProTools and I'm meeting with him on Monday (21st). I know we aren't using any Surround Sound encoding, but I'll ask him if no one gets to this before then.

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Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 17/03/2005 10:30 pm
Posts: 7
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Cool, thanks a lot. I'm glad I found this site. Already a great help.

Posted : 18/03/2005 5:51 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

I don't think the surround mixer is available for LE systems. It's a digirack plugin that comes as standard with HD, but no LE version. Theres quite alot of other stuff missing fom LE, maybe theres a third party plugin? If you have something asio like cubase SX, you could download the asio drivers for the digi 02, or if your on mac and have digital performer or cubase, add it to your core audio driver and the digidesign hardware will become available to those programs. Both have surround out of the box, and you port the mixed audio channels to them for final surround mixing. Not and ideal solution I admit, but I don't think the surround mixer is available on LE.

Posted : 11/04/2005 11:34 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

You could run surround on Logic Audio with a 002?!? Not actually tried it mind you....


Posted : 08/12/2005 4:02 am
Posts: 1
New Member

I'm pretty sure LE is not supported for Surround Mixing. However, I've put quite a bit of thought into this subject in the past and there are ways to do it of course.
My best solution was create 6 tracks (5.1) and set up the inputs with busses 1-6. The outputs of these tracks would go to the 5.1 monitors.
Then just bus all the individual tracks outputs to 1-6 depending on where you want them panned. So, essentially you are panning with the output selections and not the panning knob. Make Sense?
There are obvious limitations with this..but you can do some pretty good surround mixing this way with a 001 or 002. Hope that helps and doesn't state the obvious. Good Luck.

Posted : 12/01/2006 9:39 pm