
Newbie Editing Ques...
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Newbie Editing Question..

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Hey guys.. I don?t own a camera but im thinking of gettin one.. now. I was wondering if somebody gets a DVX100 for example, everything thats being recorded is on the mini Dv cassettes right? once someone records all they want to and want to edit stuff around on the computer (like I max using FINAL CUT) how do i transfer that movie onto the computer? Does a different DV cassette makes a difference on the video recorded? like on actual film in photography?
also let say somebody transfers that movie onto computer, edits it and now wants to make a professional DVD out of it... how to do that what is needed? can a movie like that be played in the movie theater? is it the same quality as the hollywood movies? Thanks a lot guys!

Posted : 26/09/2006 4:50 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

The DVX100 has a firewire out port. You need a four-pin firewire cable but once you have that you can dump your content into any Mac (or a PC with firewire input).

Once in the computer the ability to burn to dvd depends upon your software. There are dozens of programs available.

Regarding movies, well you can find a DV projector and show your movie as is, or you can pay a lot of money to have it printed to 35mm and play the movie in any cinema in the nation. You might want to burn to DVD first and see if you can sell it based on that, and hope that any distributers that like it are willing to pay for the 35mm print.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 26/09/2006 5:40 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member


Originally posted by gskowal
?Does a different DV cassette makes a difference on the video recorded? like on actual film in photography?

DV is very different than film. So yes, it makes a difference.


can a movie like that be played in the movie theater? is it the same quality as the hollywood movies? Thanks a lot guys!

Yes a movie like that can be played in a movie theater. The quality depends on how well it is shot. It seems reasonable to assume that a movie shot on miniDV with an inexperienced crew won't have the same quality as a movie shot on film by a crew with many years of experience.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 26/09/2006 7:19 am
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

I think what the original poster was trying to say...


Does a different DV cassette makes a difference on the video recorded? like on actual film in photography?

...was not the difference between film and DV but between different makes of DV.

Techies will argue for hours about the merits of one type of cassette over another (MiniDV v. DVCam; DVCPro v. BetaSP; etc) but what it really comes down to in the end is the camera you're using and not the type of tape.

So in that respect there's no obvious difference as would be clearly seen with Ilford FP4 over HP5

Hope that helps,

"Photography does not so much confirm our experience of the world as it actively constructs it." AS-G

"Photography does not so much confirm our experience of the world as it actively constructs it." AS-G

Posted : 26/09/2006 9:41 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

I agree with RbXp but would make sure that whatever MiniDV brand I chose that is the one I used exclusivly. I've heard (and this may be urban legend for all I know but why chance it?) that different brands may use different lubricants which may or may not combine well on the camera heads causing tapes to be eaten. If you stick to the same brand you elminate that problem.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 26/09/2006 4:21 pm
Posts: 32
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Thanks a lot guys for all this information! Since i?ve never used a pro camera i was wondering all those questions. and you guys helped me out. So the different film we use on Digital cameras make no difference, but if someone uses 16mm or 35mm then choice of a film does make a difference like in photography right?

Posted : 26/09/2006 5:20 pm
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Quite right. I've heard that too. I always used Sony MiniDVs in the PD150/170s and now I've got my own Z1 I'm using Sony tapes exclusively.

When you're ordering MiniDV in bulk it's so cheap that you can afford to be a little picky - just to be on the safe side!

35mm, 16mm, 8mm, Kodak, Fuji, B&W, colour etc etc etc all have very different properties in ways that digital tape does not. ie: latitude, grain etc. so don't lose sleep over which tape format to go for - lose sleep over which camera to go for instead!

XPotential Media

"Photography does not so much confirm our experience of the world as it actively constructs it." AS-G

"Photography does not so much confirm our experience of the world as it actively constructs it." AS-G

Posted : 26/09/2006 5:22 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

I get it now. Are different tapes stocks as different as film stocks?

I agree with both rj and Rb. All tape stocks are the same when it comes to image - but the lubrication is different in different brands. Decide what brand you want to use and stick with it. I started using the Panasonic "master" tapes so I still use them. I am currently editing a doc shot exclusively on TDK and my business partner shoots only on Sony.

BTW: welcome to the boards gskowal. Where are you located?

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 26/09/2006 6:01 pm
Posts: 32
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Hey Guys ! thanks a lot for those quick a great responses! I?m located in New York, originaly from Poland :), moved to US 10 years ago... I got a college degree but not in something my heart wants to do..I got a finance degree, just because i didn?t want to end up poor, but for years i?ve loved photography, movies and music.. I?ve tried music production not great with instruments so eventually i gave up, there's still days where i sit down and make some melodies.. 🙂 then I moved into movies. Got this huge interest in it but part of me is afraid i?ll never make it in this business because of the competition.. and Photography took few extra credit classes in college to learn dark room and stuff like that. I Love taking pictures. So lately i figured since i like all those 3 things why not combine it? and movie shooting and editing would be a great combination of all of them. I would love to find some friends in NY who have some experience in it so i could learn some and also work and help with some creative ideas and stuff.. lol why am i writing you my life story!? haha sorry for that

so going back to the film thing...I?m trying to figure out what camera to buy... I don?t want to buy anything less then 2500. why spend all this money on my first pro cam? because i figure it will last me longer. I will know i don?t have to buy a new one if i?ll learn more stuff and some low budget camera will have its limits and will stop me from learning... but before i do that i want to learn more stuff about filming and cinematography.. Im thinking to write some screenplay first, see if i?m able to before i start spending money. lol again i?m going of the topic here....

What about you guys? where are you from? how long into filmmaking?

Posted : 26/09/2006 7:11 pm