
New web based video...
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New web based video commenting system

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Hi all,

My colleagues and I have developed what we believe to be an ingenious online solution to an age old problem within the Post Production Industry. Just how do you get a client, decision maker or producer to view and comment on work in progress when they are not at your studio where the work is being done? - They may not even be in the country!

Current web based ftp solutions are typically non user friendly involving poor quality online video, lost emails and forgotten phone conversations - even using a courier can offer no way to accurately record comments made against individual frames or frame sequences.

We believe that our product IMPACT can give just this type of immediate, accurate and recorded feedback service, saving time and money in production.

Made up of 2 parts, the system comprises a 'message board / forum style' web front end and a software application that sits on a PC somewhere in the edit suite.

Access to the web front end can occur from any location with an Internet connection and is by secure password, once logged in the user can?..

1. Download and view video clips of work in progress.
2. Start or reply to discussion threads about individual frames or frame sequences. All comments are logged accurately against timecode.
3. Have those comments immediately available to others who are logged in.
4. Exchange views about the same video clip with other users online using the system.

All video is frame rate accurate and time code accurate to a project's master reel. The system is neatly presented and very easy to use. Comments are accurately stored in a database against timecode, and time / date, and effectively give you an audit trail of who said what during production.

If you would like a demo of the system, then I will send you a link and a username and password to a test site

?.we think you will be impressed?..

Many thanks in advance,




Posted : 13/04/2004 12:10 pm