
Monitor in an editi...
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Monitor in an editing suite.

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Posts: 217
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Hey all i've been looking around but i cant seem to find an answer to this one,

I would like to set up a tv monitor to my computer in order to get a large preview of the videos i am editing. i have duel computer monitors and i know how to use one of them to preview, but not how to set up a tv to it. to i need a special card to connect the video wire to the computer (i.e. the yellow one)?

i know my ideas are kinda all over the place, someone help!

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."
-(Own3d Studios)-

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."-(Own3d Studios)-

Posted : 21/12/2008 7:11 pm
Posts: 61
Trusted Member

Since you have not received a response I will take a shot at answering your question.

IMO I do not think the yellow cord will work.

Depending on your laptop/desktop you need to identify an output port. For example, my desktop has a port but does not have a vgc/vga connector.

Depending on your TV monitor you will need to identify the type input device/cable.

Now that I have stopped rambling in circles, I see you are in the states.

After doing the above, I would make a trip to Best Buy armed with the info and
you should be able to find what you need. If not grab one of the Geek squad members.

They helped me with a situation hooking up my camera to my laptop. The connections from desktop would not work on laptop.

Hope this helps.

Learn how to do something new everyday!

Posted : 25/12/2008 1:11 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

A digital tv to a new computer would be easy to set up. HDMI and DVI connectors are readily available.

If you have an older computer or older tv you might need to convert to RCA cables, that is the red, white and yellow ones. To do that you need a card, or a box, or a camcorder. Most camcorders can do Firewire in and RCA out.

Beyond that we need more info about your setup and plugs to really give you an accurate answer. ETN is right, best buy should have the answer. Just take a few photos of your computer output plugs and your tvs input plugs in case they have any questions you can't answer you can show them.



Posted : 25/12/2008 1:29 pm
Posts: 217
Reputable Member
Topic starter

i have looked further and that answer is correct, however, i have found a back door 😕
turns out not only does the firewire send info to the comp, it can go vise versa, so...
plug Firewire into camera, yellow wire from camera to monitor, change preview device properties and WA LAH!
monitor preview. haha i post on here and then figure it out myself, its so silly 😕

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."
-(Own3d Studios)-

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."-(Own3d Studios)-

Posted : 25/12/2008 8:52 pm